Chapter 5 - The Invitation

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Chapter 5 - The Invitation

(Trigger warnings: Knife Threat (not to throat, just pulled out and pointed))

{Johns POV}

I watched the kid run through the bathroom door and I sighed, grabbing a few paper towels and slowly wiping myself free of his tears. Thankfully, my clothes were dark enough so the tears that managed to make their way to my shirt wouldn't be seen. I walk out of the bathroom door and silently walk back to class, letting my mind wander.

I don't even know his name.. I'm too ignorant to remember what name they said when he raised his hand in Spanish class. I should've paid attention.

I walked into the classroom and nearly hit the kid standing in front of the door. I glance at the other students and scoff, looking over at the teacher. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, sir." The kid was entirely frozen, he couldn't get to his seat on his own, his eyes are wide and he's just staring at all the kids watching him. I didn't want to break my reputation of being most popular by being the kid who's kind to the new kids, so I lightly shoved the kid into his seat rather than helping him, walking over to my seat and sitting down as class continued.

Soon the lunch bell rang and I leapt out of my seat, scrambling for the door and sprinting down the halls with my backpack sagging down one of my shoulders. I ran through the cafeteria doors where I was met by the Schuyler sisters and my two guy friends Laf and Herc. We all walked into the lunch line together and chatted about random stuff, until Lafayette brought up something.

"Mon ami, who was that petit kid you kept looking at during the first period?" My face flushed red and I glanced over at Laf, punching him in the arm and grumbling. "Shuddup, we all know you fuck herc in the bathroom during TA." The entire group gasped and burst into wheezes as Lafayette's face burned red, he punched me in the arm as hard as he could, making me groan and grip my shoulder. "Gah!" Lafayette laughed evilly and kissed Hercules on the cheek with a glare towards me, while I exchanged the same death glare back at him.

I glanced around the cafeteria as we sat down at a table together, looking around for the kid from Spanish, nothing. He couldn't be eating alone, right? I should've never been so touchy with him in the bathroom, I could tell he didn't like it after he had left.

I would go look for him, but I really don't think he wants to see me. Bummer.. I thought he was kind of cute. Only my group knows that I'm gay, and they've all promised not to tell anybody. They do pester me about it though, pointing over at guys they think would be my type, joking around and being flirtatious. I don't mind it, unless the guy I think is actually cute, that's when I get pissed off.

"Hey, uh.. now that we're on the subject, does anybody know the name of that kid?" Everyone glanced over at me and Peggy, the one in the yellow cheerleading outfit, leapt up and nodded. "I do! His name Is Alexander!"


That suits him. Him and his cute little slouch as he walks, his red face whenever I go near him. We've only known each other for what, ten minutes? But I already know that he needs someone like me. Someone to protect him. I need to find out a way to get closer to him.

I nodded to Peggy with a smile and poked at the turkey on my plate with my fork. Herc seemed to notice and nudged me gently. Thankfully, the gentle one happened to notice other than Laf.

"Hey, you alright?" I picked up my head and glanced at Herc, nodding and putting my head back down. "Mhm.." He sure didn't seem to believe that at all, given the fact I was basically whacked on the back of my head. "Hey!" I glared over at Herc and launched at him, giving him an aggressive noogie. Hercules groaned and laughed, shoving me away and poking my ticklish side. "Feel better, John. Whatever's wrong can't be too much of your troubles." It's nice of him to say that, but he doesn't understand that it's all of my troubles. All I could keep thinking about was Alexander.

Around the time lunch ended I was still looking for Alexander. Does he not eat lunch or something? I just want to ask if I did something wrong..

The lunch bell rang and we all raced back to our classrooms. Thankfully due to our schedule, we have two full periods, half of a period, lunch, then the other half of the period. Then we go home. That means I have history with Alexander again.

I walk down the hall once me and my friends depart and go down separate halls, standing at the door and waiting for Mr. Washington to open it.

After a minute I notice a small familiar looking figure wearing a red hoodie over his head. I assume it's Alexander, I remember seeing his satchel and that's what this figure had as a backpack.

I watch as he slumps over to the door as well, he didn't even notice that I was right next to him. I leaned down and lightly poked his shoulder. He flinched violently and didn't check to see who it was before scrambling through his pocket, pulling out a small pocket knife and aiming it at me. I gasped and backed away just as he lifted his head, his hands began to shake and he lost his grip on the knife as I stared into his fear-struck eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" He blinked and jumped down, grabbing the knife and sliding it back into his pocket, turning away and leaning his shoulder against the wall with his back facing me.

I stayed frozen for a moment before I regained myself, leaning down over his shoulder and speaking softly into his ear once I knew he knew I was there. "Meet me outside by the football field right after school if you want to talk.." He seemed shocked and.. disappointed? I wish I could ask him about that but I think that would be an invasion of privacy.

At that moment, Mr. Washington turned the doorknob and opened the door, letting the line of students into his classroom.

{Word Count: 1,080}

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