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This was it, the first proper day of school.

Effie got up and showered at the crack of dawn to make sure she didn't miss a thing.

Down in the great hall, the tables were filled with breakfast food, Effie still wasn't feeling one hundred percent comfortable so she just stuck to some toast, trying desperately to avoid eye contact with anyone, especially the Malfoy boy who was a few seats down laughing with his friends.

Everyone was handed a copy of their new time tables, Effie's first class was potions, and she was very much looking forward to it, out of all the books that she's read since she found out her true identity, the potions books are the ones that fascinated her the most.

She still didn't really have a clue how to get to any of the classrooms, so she silently followed the rest of the Slytherin third years to class and took a seat right up the back away from everyone, to her surprise Pansy and Daphne came and sat beside her.

"You sure your a Slytherin? Your far too quiet." Pansy joked, lightly brushing Effie's arm.

Effie giggled in response. Not knowing what to say, the truth is, she really didn't know much about making friends.

"So how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Daphne interrupted the awkward silence.

"I'm still getting used to being in a school this big, everything's so different here than at my last school." Effie replied.

"What school did you go to before? Beauxbatons? Durmstrang? That's the only other wizarding schools I know." Pansy asked curiously.

"It wasn't a wizarding schoo—"

"So you went to a muggle school?" Daphne butted in with a shocked expression.

God— Effie hadn't thought this through. How was she going to explain why she didn't go to a school of magic for the past two years.

"Yeah, my parents are very, different. They like the muggle world, they have muggle jobs and both make a lot of money. They're very busy people." She lied frantically, but thankfully the two girls bought it.

"Ew" Pansy replied sticking out her tongue in a jokey manor.

Just then professor Snape waltzed in the classroom, his black robes swishing about behind him as he walked. He clocked Effie sitting at the back, surprisingly not alone and shot her a quick, subtle smirk.

"Now, today's lesson we're going to be making Felix Felicis. More commonly known as—"He paused, waiting for someone in the class to answer.

To her surprise, Effie actually knew this one, it was in a book that she'd read just the other day and it was one of the most intriguing potions she'd read about.

Before she even got the chance to raise her hand, a young Gryffindor girl, with long bushy hair shot her hand up at once, but for some reason Snape acted as if he couldn't see the girls hand, which gave Effie the impression that she was in fact the class know it all.

Effie slowly raised her own hand nervously.

"Ah— our new student actually knows more about our work than the rest of the class. Miss Burke, could you tell us what is Felix Felicis more commonly known as?"

"L— liquid luck sir?" She stammered.

"Ten points to Slytherin, take notes people. You should all know this already." Snape continued to speak to the class.

Effie felt quite proud, she'd already earned ten points for her house in the first lesson, of the first day, in the first five minutes.

"How did you know that?" Pansy nudged her jokingly.

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