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It wasn't that long after school returned that Effie had started to already get sick of Malfoy's silly little looks and giggles aimed at her. She was a big girl, she could handle him, but it took her all her energy not to walk up and punch him square in the face most of the time.

The weather had started to get a bit better outside now, no more winter snow or rain, the sun was out and all the students were cheery, Effie made her way to Defence against the Dark arts with Professor Lupin, who she'd grown to take quite a liking to. He was quite young, and he seemed to engage with the students on another level.

As far as classes were going it was mostly all written work, there were examinations coming up soon for the third years and to be honest Effie wasn't all that confident about them, she was a smart girl but she thought there was no way she knew as much as the rest of the people in her year.

After Defence against the Dark arts was Effie's favourite subject, potions. This was a subject that the girl was actually particularly good at— something that Snape was hugely proud of her for. Her feet shuffled along the corridors to get there on time.

"Now, instead of an examination for this class, were going to have more of an— assessment." Snape started as she sat down at the back, "I'll be putting you all into pairs today, and this will be your pairs until summer break. Each pair will be given a different potion, and I expect a full report, essay and a demonstration of the potion being made perfectly by the end of the time given. Understood?"

The whole class nodded, no one seemed that excited that they were getting put into pairs, probably because it was Snape and everyone knew he definitely wasn't going to pair anyone up with their friends, Effie looked over at Pansy who was rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath.

"When I call out your names, stand up and find a seat with your partner." Snape announced to the class. "Pansy Parkinson and Vincent Crabbe."

"Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass." Daphne scoffed at this.

One thing that Effie had learned was that not one Slytherin liked Harry Potter, she never understood why. Just put it down to him being in Gryffindor, but none the less, it was almost as if someone had swore in church if his name was ever mentioned in the Slytherin common room.

"Elizabeth Burke and Draco Malfoy." Snape stated.

Effie shook her head subtly, she should have known she wouldn't get off that easily.

She stood up at her bench and Draco stood up a few benches down, she shot him a look as if to tell him she wasn't moving and he'd have to come to her. Which to her surprise he actually did, he sat down beside her without even looking in her direction.

After everyone was sorted into their pairs Snape started handing out the assessments. He placed a piece of paper on their bench with the title 'Amortentia', Effie already knew exactly what that was. Love potion. Brilliant, working on a love potion with Malfoy— how fun.

Malfoy sniggered at the sight of the word, as he obviously knew what it meant also and was slightly letting his immaturity show.

"So since were partners now." Effie heard the smug boys voice say from beside her. "Do you want to kiss me now, or later?" He winked.

Effie could have sworn that the feeling she had was sick travelling up her throat, but she swallowed it down just in time to reply to the boys stupid comments.

"I'd rather stick pins in my eyes Malfoy." Her tone was blank. "Look if we're going to work on this together, just don't bother me, I won't bother you and the only time we'll need to speak is in here. Everyone's happy." She shot him a snide smile, as if to tell him now the conversation was over.

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Where stories live. Discover now