Twenty Six

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Effie wrote to Snape straight away, asking him to meet her at the manor the next day, knowing no one else would be home at the point. He would have known it was something important due to the fact that Effie doesn't write to him often— she wasn't the best with words or communication.

He never wrote back, so all she could do was sit patiently all morning in the living room, eager for him to show up.

Snape was the only person in the world— besides Draco, who actually knew her inside and out. He took her in when she had no one, she spent four continuous years living with the man, he was the closest thing she had to a father, and if her mother wouldn't protect her from this evil world, she just hoped and prayed that her dear uncle would step up to the plate and help her.

The doorbell rang, Effie had never gotten up so fast in her life, she bolted to the door like a flash of lightning.

When she opened the door and saw Snape standing there, the usual blank look on his face, she couldn't help but lunge forward and wrap her arms tightly around the mans torso, holding back buckets of tears as he patted her on the back.

They sat down in the living room, Effie sat twiddling her thumbs, not knowing for the life of her what would be a good way to start this conversation.

How could she possibly tell him that he was right? About everything. About her mother, about Voldemort.

The girl didn't even care that he could possibly be a death eater too, at least there was one decent one out there.

"Elizabeth." Snape's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Are you going to tell me why you asked me to come here today?"

She took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"I— I'm— I'm sorry Severus, for not listening to you about—" she paused, trying to find the words. "About my mother. She doesn't care about me, you were right, she obviously never did. I don't know how I could have ever been so stupid to think I could have her in my life and actually have a good relationship with her too. She's just as bad as him." She trailed off, blurting out everything she was feeling.

"Elizabeth. Hold on a second. What are you talking about?" His tone sounded more concerned now than anything, his jaw was clenched and his gaze never left the girl. "What has she done?"

"I should have listened to you." She muttered before rolling up her sleeve and revealing the vile mark scarred across her arm. "I think it was her plan all along, she never wanted me. She just wanted me on their side, and I don't want to be."

The tears were streaming from her eyes now, she had officially broke down after all these days of trying to be okay.

"I'm sorry Severus. I'm sorry I ever doubted you, if I had just listened I wouldn't be here in this position. I'm so stu—"

"Shh. Enough of that. Your not stupid, your a young girl, who wanted the opportunity to have a relationship with her mother." He looked at the girl with pure sympathy and wrapped his arm around her. "Elizabeth listen to me. None of this is your fault, you didn't ask for this. Your not at fault for your mothers doing."

"How could she do this to me Severus? I thought she was supposed to love me and protect me from bad people, but she turned out to be the worst person I've ever met." She cried, her face still muffled in his black robes.

"Some people just can't be fixed Elizabeth—"

"She told me about you." She interrupted, his eyes widened, the look on his face completely giving away that he knew exactly what she was talking about.

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Where stories live. Discover now