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Almost three weeks had passed, the most boring three weeks of both Effie and Malfoy's life, the only thing that was actually getting the both of them through it was each other.

Sure, there were a few times where they wanted to murder each other, but surprisingly it was for silly little things, like who was doing the washing up, or when someone was taking too long in the shower.

They used this time wisely and decided to get a load of studying in, starting with potions. It was the subject that they both enjoyed the most, and one of the few things they had in common was that they were both top of the class.

There was only so much work you could do outside school without getting distracted easily, Effie dearly missed being back at Hogwarts with her friends and Malfoy, she knew he missed his too, it was starting to take a drastic toll on the both of them, they both seemed lonely.

But on Sunday morning, happiness knocked at the door in the form of Severus Snape, looking exceptionally ordinary, same look on his face that he always did, he came in and sat the pair down on the couch, a moment which made the both of them feel as if they were about to get a telling off, but that was just due to Snape's poker face.

"I expect the two of you are going a bit demented in here." He proposed.

"Don't even get me started—"

"You can say that again—" the both of them started blubbering.

"Well you'll be happy to know, it is now safe to return to Hogwarts. There have been measures put in place to protect you, no one who isn't a student or professor will not be allowed to enter the grounds." He explained to the pair.

"But, are you sure they'll work. These 'measures'" Malfoy questioned Snape, he'd gotten so protective over her recently, even when she went to leave a room he'd always follow her like a little lost puppy, never wanting to leave her side.

Snape shot him a glare, obviously not impressed that he was questioning him. "You think I would put my own family in danger, Mr Malfoy?" He didn't break the glare once.

"N—no sir." He gulped. "I'm just worried about her too."

"So when can we come back then?" Effie wasn't even listening to the pair of them, she hadn't really heard anything since the words 'safe to return to Hogwarts', she was more interested in being able to go back to school.

"I'll expect the pair of you back at Hogwarts tonight no later than eight o'clock, I will have the floo network in my office set up for your arrival." He said as he stood up and made for the door, he never stayed long, it was always a quick conversation and then he was gone, but it didn't matter how quick this conversation had been it had been the best news that Effie had heard in weeks.

Effie didn't care how long he was here for, or how quickly he left. As soon as the front door closed behind Snape, she shot up and headed straight for the stairs to go pack.

As she sat on the floor, shoving everything she possibly could into her trunk without folding it, she noticed Malfoy sitting up on the bed, picking at his fingernails with a look of deep thought on his face.

"Something on your mind?" Effie asked. "Penny for your thoughts?" She prompted more innocently.

"No— nothing, I'm fine." He brushed her off.

He was lying, she knew when he was lying. Three weeks might not seem like a long time, but when you spend every hour of those three weeks with the person you start to get to know them maybe a tad better than they actually know themselves.

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