Chapter 46

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My heart drops as the bullet just flies past me, inches away from my face but I have no time to dwell on the fact that I almost lost my life as Iris gets ready to shoot again.

I fall beside her, out of the way and grab hold of the weapon clutched between her palms while she's trying to point it back in my direction. A groan of frustration leaves her mouth and she bares her teeth. "Iris stop!"

Struggling for air, I manage to hit it out of her hands and it slides off to the side out of both of our reach.

I can't let her get to the gun!

Adrenaline kicking in, I moved towards the gun in order to get to it first but my actions stopped shortly when I felt Iris yank a handful of my hair. "Where do you think you're going?"

My neck snapped back and I bellowed in pain as Iris pulls me to her. I retaliate, digging my nails into her thighs and shoving her back. Her head connects with the wood floor, making a thump sound.

She doesn't have time to bounce back before I'm over her again, hammering my fist into her chest and face. I've only thrown a punch twice in my life and both times were done incorrectly. I should feel excruciating pain in my hands but I don't. I don't even feel anything when my fists meet her nose.

I can feel myself getting more and more enraged with each hit. The amount of times Iris has fucked with me and got away with it. I let it slide too many times. She's played with me too many times.

My mind goes back to the image of her in Levi's house. Only a towel covering her naked body as she stared at me, faking innocence.

I think of her arm around my throat, chocking me to the point of feeling lightheaded. Her body crushing me to the floor of the ring, keeping air from coming into my lungs.

Iris scrambles and fights to gain control almost knocking me over but I restrain her arms. "You're a fucking psychopath!" I spit at her.

"Aargh!" She growls at me, struggling against my grip and she bites down on my hand.

I pull back, crying out and she breaks free, crawling over to the gun. Panicking, I scan the room. I eye a kitchen knife and I don't think before snatching it and digging it into her hand.

Iris stop and screams, gripping her wrist with her left hand. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" She glowers at me with a look of pure hatred as she rips the metal out of her skin.

My hand flew to my mouth, bile coming up from my throat. I harshly swallow it back down and blink away the tears from my eyes.

Rushing past her, I try to get a hold of the gun but she trips me, holding onto my heel. My face  hits the floor, an instant feeling of dizziness.

Inhuman sounds come from Iris when she cuts my calf with the blade that's already covered in her blood. "Shit," I kick her in the face, causing her to fall back.

My hand finally reaches the weapons and I quickly fall on my back, aiming the barrel at her. Iris gets up, slowly, and glares at me with the one eye that's not closed from swelling. Her face is badly beaten in and her nose broken off to the side. She walks towards me like she's not even injured, the dripping knife in her hand.

"Stop moving," I warn. As much as I hate Iris—and I very much loath this woman—I don't want to kill her.

She doesn't listen, coming closer and closer. "You took everything from me! My love, my life, my friends!"

"You did that to yourself, Iris. Please stop!" I beg. My head shaking as she makes her way over.

I pull the trigger and the silent bullet hits her in the foot. She grunts and falls down but still doesn't cease to move. She's like an animal the way she drags herself across the floor.

I back away into the wall, trapped with only one choice.

Iris will kill me.

I take a deep breath, squeezing my eyes shut as the quiet sound of the gunshot fills my ears for a split second.

I don't open my eyes even after I heard her body drop. Sitting there in the dark, I can no longer hold the gun and it slips from my fingertips.

Holding my breath, I cautiously part my eyelids and see Iris' lifeless body sprawled out in front of me. Her eyes blank and glossed over. A hole in her forehead evidence of what I've done.

"Kara!" I hear a voice echo from the hallway.

I don't bother to look up and see who. It's no use. He's too late.

Lucas collapses beside me and pulls me to his chest. "I'm so sorry." I stiffen at his touch. "It's over."

I gently push him off of me and shakily bring myself to my feet, disregarding the agonizing pain all over my body. "Call Levi."

I need to hear his voice right now. See him in person, in the same room. I couldn't care less for anyone else at the moment.

"Okay." Is all he says before he pulls his phone out and goes out the door, shutting it behind him.

A few hours later, I'm sitting in my room on the bed. Waiting for him.

It's quiet besides the distant chatter noise of girls talking somewhere in the building.

It keeps replaying in my head. Her hands around my ankle and on my hair. Her cries as I repeatedly pounded her face. The soulless, empty look she held and I knew I had killed her.

I killed someone. I took a life. Because of me, Iris will never have a chance at starting again. She will never have kids. She won't find real love.

Iris can never be anything anymore because I took that away from her.

I didn't want to. I didn't want to have to make that decision. But it was me or her.

Me or her.

"Kara! Where are you?" His voice brings me out of my head and I quickly get off my bed and run out of my room.

Levi is standing there, disheveled. His hair is everywhere and his shirt is unbuttoned. He looks incredibly tired. Worse than he looked when I saw him and Iris in his home.

He jogs over to me and gathers me in his embrace. "Fuck, I'm so sorry. I should have never left you."

His hand pushes my head further into him, bringing me impossibly closer. I wrap my arms around his waist and gather a handful of his shirt into both of my hands. As soon as I take a deep breath and my nose fills with his scent, I can no longer hold it in. The tears start to pour down my cheeks and I sob into him.

Levi holds me tighter, digging his face into my neck. "I'm so so sorry, love. This is my fault." He pulls back in order to meet my mascara-stained gaze. "Never again," he says.

"Just hold me," Is all I respond with and he complies.

I'm not sure how long we stand there holding each other but soon enough a few men come in to clean up and some take Iris' body away. Lucas stays with them.

I can't be here. The entire room smells of blood, sweat and her strong perfume. Even with all the evidence of our fight gone, I will still remember it. I'll still feel like she's there.

"We can go to Harvey's." Levi simply says. Reading my mind and knowing I wouldn't want to go back to his house either. Not after what happened the last time.

I squeeze his hand, thankfully.


A/N: My first book is coming to an end soon! That's crazy. I thought I would never finish this book but here I am, a few chapters away from completing Sold to the Gang Leader.

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