Chapter 1

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"I'm really gonna miss you, Kar", Melanie said as she hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around her and layed my head on her shoulder, "I'll miss you too Mel. Love you." I pulled back from the hug and picked up my black duffle bag that was carrying all my clothes.

"Love you too", she said as she quickly wiped a tear from her eye.

"Mel you promised you would'nt cry. I'll be back after Summer."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just can't help I'm really gonna miss my bestfriend", she pulled me into a second hug, squeezing me tighter.

We both pulled away at the sound of a car horn. A black sedan pulled up in front of the girls dorm building. The window rolled down to reveal my older brother, Adam.

"Kara, come on idiot!", he shouted at me.

"Give me a second!", I countered back. I turn back to Melanie and her eyes watered up again. "Don't replace me", I said quietly so only she heard it. I smiled softly at her.

"How could I?", she says returning the smile.

We hug one last time before I throw my bag in the trunk and sit in the passenger seat of the car. Adam takes the car off park and drive slowly away.

"Bye!", I shouted back at Mel, leaning out the window.

She waved at me, "Bye!"

I sat back in my seat and put on my seatbelt. Leaning against the window on my right. A frown began to appear on my face as I thought of the reality of being away from Melanie. We were practically with each other twenty four-seven. Especially since she was my roomate. I remember when Melanie broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years and she was so depressed for weeks. I finally convinced her that we should go out and have fun. That was where we met James. I knew from the first time she saw him that she liked him and I was always happy for her.

*Flashback start*

Mel and I sat a bar, with empty glasses around us. I grabbed two shots that the bartender put in front of us and I handed one to her. "Cheers" I smiled, as we clinked them together and downed both our shots.

I started to choke on my drink and I heard Melanie chuckling beside me. I shot her a playful glare and she started laughing harder.

"I don't know why you take shots if you can't handle them Kar", she smiles

I mentally scream in victory at my success in making Melanie smile and forget her break up.

"What? I can handle small shot.", I say as I grab another shot off the bar and down it in 5 seconds. I can feel the burn in my throat and I refuse the urge to cough. When I keep a straight face and swallow my drink, she looks impressed.

"Wow, I guess I stand corrected", she giggles and I join her.

We continue laughing and drinking until a tall guy with long black hair, wearing a blue button down shirt and Jeans comes over to us. "Hey ladies", he says leaning on the bar behind Melanie. She turns around to face him and I could've sworn I saw her eyes go a shade lighter. "Can I buy you a drink?", he added

She giggled, "Sure."

He bought her a drink and they talked until they decided to go dance. They looked like they were having fun and she was happy, so I decided to not disturb them. I texted her telling her I went home.

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