Chapter 51

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Knock Knock. "Ms. Anderson?"

I jerk awake at the sound of fists pounding on my door. Sunday morning is always quiet as expected. Levi is snoring beside me, clutching onto my pillow under his head and left arm gripping my waist to his side. His leg is poking out and hanging off the bed.

"Ms. Anderson are you home? This is the police," the deep voice--only a few yards away-- boomed.

My eyes instantly widened at the last few words. "Fuck okay," I whisper.

Holding the sheet up to cover my bare chest, I nudge Levi once and then again until he sits up, alarmed. He sees the worried expression on my face and reaches for my arm. "What's wrong?"

Knock. Knock. "This is the police. Ms. Anderson, we know you're home and we'd like to have a word with you."

Levi jumps out of the bed when he hears and slides on his briefs. I follow after him and slip into my silk robe. "What are we going to do? I don't want them to know you're here."

Police have already been suspicious of Levi before and if he's here now they'll suspect him even more. I know why they're here and if they see him here they will connect the dots. This is something I was always afraid of because of my involvement with Levi.

"Kara, calm down." Levi goes behind me, gathering my hair and tying it into a bun as best as he can. "You can do this, just act like nothing is wrong. I'm not even here. You just binge-watched your favorite show and had snacks."

"They're going to know I'm lying."

"No, they're not. You're so smart, baby. You can do this."

What happens next is up to me and that's terrifying.

Levi wipes under my eyes and I exit my bedroom. My foot kicks his shirt lying on the floor and I toss it back into my room before shutting it. As I'm standing in front of my dorm door, I take a deep breath and swing it open.

A police officer is standing before me. He's tall with straight black hair and tinted glasses covering his eyes. He takes them off when I tighten the string of my rob and tucks them into his collar.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I start with, smiling up at him.

"I apologize for the disturbance at such an early hour, but I was hoping you could answer a few questions."

"About what?"

The officer doesn't say and instead leans over to glance inside behind me. "Do you mind if we take this conversation inside? I'd rather do this where we cannot be overheard."

I feel my hands getting sweaty but don't hesitate to open the door wider. "Sure, come in Officer.."

"Duncan," He answers. He takes a couple of steps in and I close the door behind him. I watch his eyes scan the messy living room and I hurriedly gather up the snack bags and plates stained with whipped cream. "Busy night?"

"I was just watching the tv and eating snacks. It's been a rough couple of weeks in school but I'm graduating soon."

"Ah, congratulations."

I nod my head as thanks. "Sit, please." He does as I say and takes a seat on the far end of the couch. "What's this visit about?"

"Right. A woman by the name of Iris Thompson has just been reported missing by her mother two days ago. We found her cellphone in the back of an alleyway close to your dorm room. It was cleared but we managed to find your contact in her phone."

Shit. How did she even get my number?

"How would you describe your relationship with Ms. Thompson?" He asks.

I wipe my sweaty hands off on the couch cushion as subtly as I can. "I hardly know her."

"How did you meet her?"

My mind races as I think of a lie. Iris and I met the day Levi took me to his home but obviously, I can't say that. "At the club a while back, I think. Our interaction was brief. She saved me from an uncomfortable situation with a man and I gave her my number to keep in touch but we never talked after that day. I hope she's okay."

Officer Duncan is writing on his notepad as I am talking. "Do you remember the club name?"

"No, sorry. It was somewhere downtown."

"You went to the club alone?"

"I went with my best friend, Melanie but she wasn't around during the time."

"Okay..." He writes more down before looking back up at me. "One more thing: Do you know a man named Levi Garcia? There's been reason to suspect he had an involvement in the disappearance of Ms. Thompson."

"No, I don't know anyone by that name."

He sighs before standing up. "Okay. Well, that's it. I won't bother you any longer." I walk him over to the door and he steps out. "Give me a call if you remember anything?"

"I definitely will. Thank you. I hope you find her."

He gives me a nod before walking away down the hall.

Once the door closes, I turn and fast-walk back into my room where Levi is anticipatingly waiting. He wraps me into his arms as I try to get my breathing under control. "I don't think that was convincing enough."

"If it wasn't he would still be here."

"I hated that."

"I know. I'm sorry, Kara. You won't have to worry about this shit soon."

Letting go, I sit down on my bed. "Maybe I should just come clean. She attacked me first,
so it was just self-defense."

"No. Kara, you can't do that. They'll want to know her motive for attacking you and it'll eventually get back to everyone and we'll all be brought down." He kneels down beside me. "Baby look at me."

I look down and make eye contact with him.

"If you come clean, this will not only put you in prison but me, Lucas, Chase, Jenna, Isabella, Natalia, and anyone else who was involved. Coming clean now won't do anything but make things worse. Now, it sounded like he bought it so you have nothing to worry about. Let me deal with everything else. Okay?"


Levi kisses my cheek gently before picking up his phone and making a call. He walks out just as the person picks up. "Police are starting to ask questions."

It's been months. Why are they just now asking about Iris and how did her mother not realize she was missing sooner? Did the officer know I was lying?

So many thoughts are running through my head.

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