Chapter 11

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Levi's POV

Kara and I returned to the mansion and we parted almost instantly within getting inside. She made her way upstairs and I went to the living room. Lucas, Chase, and Isabella were already in there watching some dumb movie on the TV.

"What are you guys watching?" I asked, taking a seat next to Lucas on the long sofa.

"Isabella is forcing us to watch this stupid movie about rabbit wildlife." Chase said, rolling his eyes.

I watched Isabella dig her elbow into Chase's side before he groaned in pain. "It's informational and important to understand what other animals are going through!"

I just laughed at her response. Isabella's always worried about animals. It makes me wonder why she didn't go to college to study veterinary medicine--why she handed the spot of gang leader to me just to stay in the gang anyway.

"What are you laughing about, coward?" She chucked a soda bottle to my face that I quickly caught in my hands.

I looked at her as confusion filled in my eyes. "I'm not a coward."

"You sure about that? Wasn't Kara supposed to stay home for a week as punishment? She been leaving the house for days now and I don't remember you saying anything about it."

My mouth opened ready for a harsh comeback but closed again as I pondered what to say. I had forgotten all about punishing Kara the night she went to a club. I may have gotten a little distracted when she walked out of the bathroom in a cropped shirt and shorts. Her hair flowing down her tan, soft-looking shoulders. She hadn't said anything about the punishment either. Maybe she forgot too...or maybe she just didn't want to remind me.

"Levi probably forgot about what he said to Kara because that morning he was too busy sucking her face." Lucas joined in, bursting out in laughter at what he had said.

"How do you know what happened that day?Were you watching us?" I looked at him beside me, giving him a disgusted look.

"God, no." Lucas put his hands up quickly at my accusation. "When Kara ran out of your bedroom, her face was red and she had a faint hickey on her chest that I assumed she didn't notice. She seemed really defensive and flustered when I asked her if she was alright. I invited her to the beach with Chase and Isabella; when she agreed, she continued down the hallway and that was when u came out. You too were deep red and bothered. I just put two and two together."

I heard Bella gasp before she squealed with excitement. "Oh my God, You and Kara made out?" I looked over at her to see her eyes widen.

I glanced at Lucas and shot him a glare to say, 'Really?'. He didn't have to share that private event that he never should've even known in the first place. He smiled awkwardly back at me as if saying 'sorry'. I turned back to Bella to see her awaiting my response.

"It was just a small heated moment."

"Was it?" Isabella said, laughing.

"Yes, it was and it won't be happening again. Kara most likely regrets it anyway--she practically darted out the door after."

"That doesn't necessarily mean she regrets it. She could just be confused or embarrassed." Chase buts in.

"Exactly. How do you know how she feels if you don't ask her?" Bella says, raising her eyebrows.

"I just know, okay? And why is this conversation drifting to my relationships. Don't you all have a life of your own?" I said before storming out of the room in frustration and marching up the stairs to my office.

I sat down at my desk and opened my Macbook, getting started on my ideas to get rid of Jordan for good. I don't need anyone getting hurt again-- especially Bella and Kara.

I don't realize how long I'm in my office but soon enough I look out the window, through my blinds and see the moonlight shining into the room. An uncontrollable yawn escapes my mouth and I close my laptop and pull out my phone to check the time.

9:44 PM

The door to my office, slowly opens and a small head peaks their head out. Kara brung her whole body into the room and turns on the room light that I didn't realize was off. "Why were you in here with the light off? It so dark." she asks.

"It wasn't this dark when I came in here. What do you need?"

Kara fiddled with the doorknob nervously. "Isabella wanted me to come and tell you that dinner was ready."

I stared at her and studied her movement. She wasn't looking at me and her head was faced slightly down. I stood up and made my way over to her. She took a step back and for some reason, I felt a pang in my chest at her actions. What is wrong with her? "I'll be down in a minute." I say, turning away from her and heading back to my desk to gather up the notes that I took.

She just nodded her head and left the room, closing the door softly behind her. I head down to the dining room a few minutes after her. Everybody was all sitting there at the table eating pasta with meatballs. I took a seat at the end right beside Kara and I saw her stiffen at my presence.

"You're finally out of that room. Your plate was getting cold and I'm pretty sure Lucas was about to eat it any second." Jenna sniggered.

Lucas sent dagger at Jenna but a small smirk peeked onto his mouth. "I was not! I would've put it in the refrigerator for him."

"Is the refrigerator you're stomach?" Iris joked.

"Shut up." He sneared as he got up and handed me my plate that was sitting on the counter. The big plate was still semi warm and it smelled good so I finished it in a matter of 6 minutes.

"Dang, I guess someone was hungry." Isabella said, laughing.

"Very. Who made this anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, Iris did."

I looked over to Iris who was on the right side of me. "This is really good, Iris."

"Oh thanks, Levi." She said, smiling shyly.

I gave her a short confused look before getting up to put my plate in the sink. After that it was 10 o'clock and I was pretty tired so I decided to head to sleep. I said a quick goodnight to everyone in the dining room and made my way up the stairs.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and slipped on some boxers. I got in bed and it didn't take me long before I fell asleep.

I'm guessing a while later, I heard the door to the bedroom open and close, letting in light for a second before it was dark again. Soft footsteps made their way around the room going back and forth. Then a small body crawled into the bed and I could feel Kara's eyes on me. She pulled the covers back and I felt the bed dip slightly. I opened my eyes and saw her staring at me but her eyes shifted and she layed down on the bed, facing away from me. After a while I heard her breathing even and I moved closer to her and wrapped my arm around her waist. I'm not sure if it was the fact that she was sleep or because she truly wanted to but she lean into my touch and not long after that, I fell back asleep.

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