Chapter 15

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"We got shots!" Isabella shouts as we all rejoin Ben, Levi, Iris, and Chase sitting at a booth.

Isabella places the shots on the table and we all squish into the booth. Hunter and Jenna are left without a place to sit so they take chairs from another table beside us and sit at the end of each side. I'm squished in between Iris and Ben with Levi sitting on the other side of Iris.

"Yes, finally!" Ben says, grabbing two shots and downing them both in seconds.

Iris leans her elbow a little on to the table, turning to face Levi while blocking my view of his face and body. I hear him say something, which causes her to giggle.

My hand reaches out to grab two shots and I empty the components into my mouth, slamming the glasses onto the table.

"Damn, Kara!" I hear Natalia say, laughing at my face scrunching up from the drink.

I hear the music change to 'Taki Taki' by DJ Snake and Isabella jumps up and grabs Natalia's hand, who snatches Jenna's right after. "Ooo, I love this song, let's go dance. Kara, Iris come on!" Levi moves out the booth to let Iris and I exit and all of us make our way down to the dance floor.

Natalia, Iris, and Jenna are all dancing  together, laughing. Isabella and I close by, she grabs both my hands in hers and lifts them in the air spinning me, while moving her hips. "Come on, Kara, dance!"

I chuckle slightly, leaning my head back and starts to shake my hips to the beat of the music. Isabella following after me. She twirls me and I catch a glimpse of a tall brown skin guy looking my way, the quick eye contact us enough for him to send me a wink. I face back to Isabella, now with my cheeks tainted pink.

Her face scrunches up in confusion but when she glances over my shoulder her face shifts to a wide smile. "Oh my gosh, that guy is definitely staring at you!"

I roll my eyes. "No he wasn't."

I laugh and twirl her around. "See for yourself." She moves us in opposite positions so I can see what was behind me. The guy is looking directly at me and a smirk appears on his face.  He downs the drink in his hands and sets it down at the bar. He begins making his way over to me and I can feel myself starting to panick.

"Oh god, he's coming over here." I whisper to her.She squeals in excitement and starts to make her way over to Natalia, Iris, and Jenna. "Where are you going? Don't leave me with him!" I say, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to me.

When he reaches us he smiles and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, I don't mean to seem rude it's just I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you looked dancing."

I return the smile and tuck a strand of lose hair behind my ear. "Thank you." Isabella nudges me, smirking.

"Could I maybe have your number?" He asks, pulling out his phone.

"Umm...Sur--" I begin to say but I'm cut off my the large body finishing my sentence and blocking my view of the guy who wanted my number.

"No." Levi says, crossing his arm.

I huff and stand over beside him to see. He grabs my arm to keep me closer to him.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I asked her,

"And I'm pretty sure I don't give a fuck, dude. Now scram." Levi growls, taking a step towards the guy.

No one says anything for a while and both men have glare at each other before the guy gives in, mumbles something, rolls his eyes and leaves. I cross my arms over my chest to face Levi and he turns to me, looking down to meet my eyes.

I raise my eyebrow, "Really?"

"What? That guy was annoying."

"He didn't do anything but politely ask for my number."

"Right and that was annoying." He said, raising both his eyebrows.

"You can't just do that." I exclaim.

"You leave for one minute and already I have to stop guys from coming your way." He sighs, ignoring what I said.

"Ugh, your unbelievable." I roll my eyes and grab Isabella's arm, going back to the booth. Lucas is the only one at the booth and from the looks of it he's had way too much to drink.

Isabella takes a seat beside Lucas and I sit across from both of them. I groan and cover my face, "He's so aggravating sometimes." I say, assuming they already know who I'm talking about.

"Kara it's obvious, he likes you." Lucas says, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No he doesn't." I counter back.

"Oh really?" Isabella asks.

"Yes, really." I cross my arms.

She stares deeply into my eyes, trying to see if I'll admit to her accusation. After a few seconds she gives up, of course. Her stare has no effect on me, I'm not one to crack under pressure.

"Dang, that girl is all over Levi." Lucas says, looking off behind me. My head snaps around to see what's happening, only to see no one there and I turn back to a laughing Lucas and Isabella.

"You should've saw how fast ur head spun around. I thought you were gonna break your neck!" Isabella chokes out.

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, I didn't turn around that fast."

"You like Levi, too don't you?" She asks.

"No I do not like Levi. He's the most annoying and irritating guy I've ever met." I almost shout just to get the point across.

"What about me?" A deep voice says from behind me.

"Ahh!" I shout out shock, jumping back as I sink into the cushion of the booth. I look up to see Levi staring down at me with a smirk on his face. "Uhh..nothing. I said nothing about you."

Lucas and Isabella are smirking at me and I send them a short glare to tell them to shut up about our conversation before. Levi seats himself beside me and leans his arm over the booth. I sit back up straight and shift closer to the wall, suddenly feeling hot.

He looks at me weirdly, "Okay."

"Levi, no girls catch your eye yet?" Lucas asks. When Levi gives him a look as to say 'what do you mean', he continues. "I've been seeing you peel girls off your arm all night."

Levi shrugs, "Well I have to, they won't leave me alone. They're like little mice that keep jumping in my face every chance they get."

Lucas chuckles and eventually Levi joins him. Isabella gets out of the booth and turns to face me. "Kara you wanna come get another drink?"

I look to Levi and he smiles at me and sends me a wink. I immediately roll my eyes and an answer erupts from my mouth. "Yes, please." Levi steps out the booth so I can get out and me and Isabella walk off to the booth to get a drink. I know I can definitely use one right now.

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