Chapter 36

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Kara's POV

I heard my mom calling to me from outside my bedroom. "Kara, you need to start packing. Your classes are starting next week and I want you back at the dorms, tonight."

I hummed in response, keeping my tear-stained cheeks faced down in my pillows. Last night, I went straight to my room and ignored my mother's questions about how the talk with Levi went. My heart shattered when I saw Iris come down those steps in nothing but a towel. The smirk on her face as I witnessed the aftermath of what they both had done earlier. The look of surprise and anger on Levi's face when he realized that he'd been caught. I don't know if I could ever forgive him for this. I know we were never truly a couple and maybe it's my fault this happened but, I still felt heart-broken over what I saw. I felt stupid and embarrassed when I saw the look on Adam's face as I came home and ran past him with mascara running down my face. I'd rather stay in the safety of my sheets for the rest of my life than get up and face my family.

"Kara Marie Anderson, I want to hear you in the shower in ten minutes and I want your bags packed and downstairs in an hour. Do you hear me?" She yells louder, in her authoritative voice.

"Okay," I answer through the closed door, rolling my eyes. I hear her walk away from the door and down the stairs.

Bzz. Bzz. I look down at my phone on the nightstand to see another text from Levi, making that 52 texts and 20 missed calls total. I hesitated before picking up my phone and checking through some of the messages.

Levi: Please come back!

Levi: Kara, nothing happened! Let's just talk about this!

Levi: Answer the damn phone!

Levi: Don't let Iris come between us!



Levi: You know I love you, I would never do this!

Levi: Let's talk about this Kara!

Levi: Answer me!


Levi: Please at least let me know you're safe!

Today; 9:34 AM

Levi: I love you, please call me.

Levi: Let me know you're okay, baby.

I release a groan and throw the phone at the end of the bed. Once I manage to get my bare feet on the cold, brown wood, I grab the towel resting on my hamper and head to the bathroom down the hall. I take a short eight minute shower and go back into my room. I throw on some black leggings and a red hoodie, then pulling my tangled hair into a messy bun as I slide on some black vans.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." I answer to the person outside my door. Adam walks into my room with his head hung low, avoiding eye contact. "Hey." I politely greet him.

"Hey." He walks further into my room, closing the door behind him. "Mom, wanted me to help you pack." He says, still keeping himself from looking at me.

"No need. There's not much to pack. I'll be down in a few minutes." I stoop down on my knees to pull the suitcase from under my bed and drop it on my bed, zipping it open.

'Okay." He turns to leave but stops once his hand touches the doorknob. "Listen..I'm sorry for getting so angry about you and Levi. I shouldn't have reacted that way. It was immature of me to act so stubborn and callous. It's just when I heard you say the word 'love' it freaked me out. Especially because you were talking about Levi Garcia." He moves around to face me. "Kara, you know that guy has been nothing but trouble for this family ever since we've known him. He's brought nothing but pain. I think it's good that you're going back to college."

"..Maybe you're right." I responded, keeping myself busy with packing my clothes. I, honestly, have no idea how to feel about anything anymore. Adam is being mature coming to me and apologizing and I appreciate him for that. The last thing I need before I leave is to not be on good terms with my brother. Even though he still hasn't come to terms with my feelings towards Levi, I know that he's just trying to look out for me and I can't be mad at him for that.

It's probably for the best that I return to college for the semester. I will be back with my best friend and away from all the drama and stress that comes with being home. Regardless of how I feel about Levi at the moment, I will still miss him and that's a feeling I can't suppress.

Adam's eyebrows shoot up at my response but quickly hid his surprise. He runs his hand through his hair. "I am. Kara, you're my little sister. It's my job to look after you and make sure you're safe and you're safer away from him. I'm only saying this because I love you." He walks back out the door, shutting it behind him.

I release a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. Zipping up my suitcase, I walk out my bedroom and struggle to drag it down the stairs. Dad comes out of his bedroom to see me attempting to pull it down, but failing badly.

"I got it, sweetie. You shouldn't be handling stuff this heavy you just got out of the hospital." He took the suitcase out of my hand and carried it down the stairs as I followed behind him.

I rolled my eyes. "I was released a week ago, Dad. My stitches are gonna be removed soon and the wound doesn't bother me anymore."

My mother appears by the front door holding her purse in one hand and car keys in the other. "We should get going if you want to make it before sunset." She glanced at my father, sighing, before walking out to the car.

He had a depressed look on his face as he watched my mom climb into the driver's seat. He soon snapped out of his thoughts and left my side to put my suitcase in the trunk. Once everything was loaded and we were ready to leave my dad wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me in for a tight hug. "Be safe, honey. Love you."

"Bye, love you too." I called when I jumped into the passenger side. My mom drove off before my dad could say anything to her. I looked over to her curiously, wondering what was wrong but she just continued to give her full attention to the road ahead, ignoring me.

We we're on the road for about an hour when I got another text from Levi.

11:48 AM

Levi: I'm outside your parents' house. Please, come talk to me.

Turning my phone off, I stared out the window at the trees and the cars speeding past us. As much as I tried to hold in the tears, a droplet fell down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

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