Chapter 26

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Levi's POV

I close the door, harshly, behind me. Walking out the front door to my garage, I can't but feel angry. I know I shouldn't because it's Kara's life and she can do whatever she wants with her feelings but I can't help but feel annoyed.

I put in the code to the garage door and it beeps twice before opening and revealing four of my cars. I head in the direction of my green 2017 Lamborghini Aventador S. I grab the keys off the hanger on the wall, beside it and get in, starting the car. The garage door automatically opens when I pull up close.

When they open, Chase is standing there, looking at me. I press my foot on the pedal and drive up beside him, stopping when I'm only a few feet away. Chase walks up to my car and climbs into the passenger side.

"Thought you could use some company." He says.

I don't object because he right. I could definitely use someone to listen to my ranting while I drown my thoughts in alcohol.

I drive down the road in silence and Chase doesn't say anything. He stares out of the window the entire ride as we both just bask in the tranquility of silence. When I pull into a parking spot a few feet away from the bar, I take my key out of the ignition and we both head inside.

The place isn't crowded but there are a few people here. They're all laughing, dancing, and drinking.

We sit at the bar, in seats furthest from the door and I rest my elbow on the wooden surface, slightly raising my hand to get the bartender's attention. "Let me get four tequila shots." She nods at me and turns back around the variety of alcohol bottle behind her. After a few seconds she places four small glasses in front of me and Chase. I down both of mine in seconds, slamming them down when I finish, however, Chase only takes one.

I grab his shot and down it. He watches me, observing my every move. "I'm not so sure you should be drinking when you're in this state of mind." He comments, his voice showing a hint of worry.

"If I'm going to talk to you and get this out, I need to drink." I signal to the bartender for more drinks and she adds four full glasses to the ones in front of me.

I down two of them and take the third one in my hand when Chase grabs my forearm and pushes the cup away from my mouth. "That's enough for now. Talk, Levi. I'm listening."

I let out a long sigh and hang my head low. "She's just,..I don't know. She's frustrating as hell and she drives me crazy but see excites me at the same time. I have never felt like this way about a girl ever. I had initially wanted her in the gang for strictly business but now that I actually spend time with her, it's like I actually care about her. I want her to stay with me. No, I need her to stay with me. I want her to be happy and I want to be the one that puts that beautiful smile on her face. I want her."

When I finish my ranting, I glance at Chase sitting next to me to see his mouth hanging wide open in what looks to be shock. "Dude, you're fucked. She's really messing with your head. I've never heard you talk like that about a girl before."

"God, I know. I sound like a girl. She's really getting to me. And now the first girl that I actually have real feelings for and she's pushing me away. I wish she'd just come to terms with her emotions. I see it in her eyes everytime I kiss her. She wants it but she's afraid. I don't blame her, who wants to be with a fucking gang leader. I've killed people before, everyone in the gang has. She doesn't want to be apart of this life."

"Levi, I don't think she's as afraid of you as you think. I think she's just...cautious. You know, she's unfamiliar with our lifestyle and I guess she trying to scope out the land. And if you feel she's hiding away from her feelings then make her realize that she wants you. If she doesn't want to try then don't force it on her."

"You're right. Thanks, Chase." I empty the last shot into my mouth. "Let'sss get out of hhere." I slur my words, becoming tipsy from all the alcohol.

"Yeah, let's go. You don't need anymore tequila shots. You're getting drunk." Chase chuckles.

It was now dark and the only light that was showing was the small ones coming from the street lights. We head to my car and he directs me to the passenger seat, deciding that I'm too drunk to drive.

When we get home, I pass out on the couch and the last thing I hear is Chase mutter something along the lines of, "..What are you doing to him?"

I'm sorry, I know I'm the worst updater in the world.

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