Chapter 18

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Feeling exhausted and annoyed I made my way to the second floor to take a shower, for which I hoped would bring me back to life. As I got to the bedroom door, I pushed the door to shut it but Levi stuck his hand in the way to stop it from closing.

I sighed dramatically. "Levi, leave me alone please. I don't feel like arguing with you right now." I opened my middle drawer in search for a towel.

"I'll leave you alone if you at least tell me if you really did get hurt during practice."

I turn back to look at him, sighing again. Levi's face held concern and frustration at the same time. "Yes, Levi, I got hurt during practice."

It wasn't a total lie, I did get hurt while fighting, It just wasn't by accident and it didn't happen how I said it did. If he knew what really happened he would most likely go crazy on Iris and I definitely wouldn't want that.

"Okay." Was all he said before he shut the door, leaving.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and stepped into the steaming hot shower.

Almost 3 hours later I was changed into pajamas, took a long amazing nap, and just relaxed. I decided it was about time I should get out of bed and go see what everyone was doing.

I got out of bed and changed my shorts into comfy pants so I looked less ready for bed. Seeing as it was only 5'o clock.

I walked down to the kitchen to grab a snack and reached up to the top cabinet to grab the bag of cheetos. The bag was just at the edge so this time I could get it. I grabbed a blanket and went down to the basement to watch a Elf.

I stopped in the middle of the stairs when I heard two male voices.

"I know she's lying to me, but I just don't understand why. Lucas can you please tell me what happened?" I recognized this as Levi's voice.

"You know I can't do that, dude. It's really not my place to say. Look, I'm sure Kara will tell you the truth when she's ready. You just have to be patient with her. All I can tell you is she isn't in any serious danger, where you or I can't protect her." Lucas said, his voice calm and collected.

I heard Levi sigh. "I trust you." There was silence for a second until I heard the couch make a noise as if someone was getting up.

My eyes widened as I started to panick and I tip-toed, quickly back up the stairs and hid in the closet next to the basement door. I slowed my breathing down as I saw a shadow move across the bottom of the closed door. The footsteps were beginning to fade away and I opened it a little to see if the person was gone.

I didn't see or hear anything so I carefully went back down the basement steps and Lucas was the only one there now, he was scrolling through his phone and didn't notice my presence.

"Boo." I said sitting beside him, trying to act like I didn't just eavesdrop on him and Levi's conversation.

"Ah get away from me you hideous monster!" He shouted, covering his eyes from looking at me.

I playfully push him. "Shut up." I got up and grabbed the remote from the TV stand.

"What are you 'bout to watch? The Notebook?" He said, chuckling.

I hit him on his arm.

"Ow!" He said rubbing his right arm. "What was that for?"

"That was for making an ignorant remark. Not all girls like The Notebook." I sat back down next to him and searched up Elf. I clicked 'watch' and as the movie started I turned the light off and covered myself in the fluffy white blanket.

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