Chapter 6

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"That movie sucked ass", Jenna chucked a couch pillow over in Lucas's direction and it hit him in the face. "Ow!"

"Are you an idiot? That movie was amazing. Levi tell him that movie was great."

Levi looked between Lucas and Jenna before answering her question. "Sorry Jenna, I gotta go with Lucas on this one. The movie was filled with puppets and the people kept looking at the camera."

Jenna scoffed, "Ugh whatever."

Levi's phone rings and he excuses himself to another room. I faintly hear an, 'What is it?", before he shuts the basement door closed.

"I thought it was kinda scary. Those puppets creeped me out." Lucas dramatically shivers and hides half of his face under his thin blanket.

Isabella rolls her eyes, "Lucas, you're scared of bunnies."

"Have you seen their huge teeth? Those things could bite my pinky off!"
Isabella and Jenna burst out laughing and Lucas playfully glares at them. I even find myself letting out a small laugh that I tried poorly to hold in.

When the laughter dies down, Jenna gets up and walks to the stairs. "Help me with dinner, Kara?"

"Sure", I stand from the couch and follow her up the stairs and into the kitchen.

Dinner take about an hour to make and when it's finished, we set the chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans on the table. Everyone sits at the table and Lucas jumps at the chicken first.

"Leave some for the rest of us ya animal.", Chase says slapping Lucas's hand when he goes to get another drumstick.

"Hey, I'm not an animal. I was gonna leave you guys the wings.", Lucas replies as he drops his piece on his plate.

I roll my eyes and grab some mashed potatoe and slap some on my plate. Jenna takes the spoon after I'm done and gets some for herself. "Oh how thoughtful of you" she says, sarcasm dripping from her tongue.

Chase and Isabella laugh as Levi comes into the room and stands at the end of the table. His presence causes the laughter to stop and turn their attention on him. It's like he automatically gets attention without asking for it.

He looks at Chase, Iris, and Isabella. "We got a situation."

They don't ask or say anything and just get up to follow him. Levi makes eye contanct with me before he turns away. All four of them walk out of the room and I hear the door slam shut. Since I'm at the end of the table, I turn back around to face the three people left at the table and they just continue to eat their food like nothing happened.

"Uh, where did they go?", It seems like I'm the only one who's curious to know so maybe they know where they disappeared off to.

Lucas looks up at me and he licks off a the potato from his face. "They'll be back in a few hours. This happens a lot."

"What happens a lot?"

"Just problems where people think they can do whatever they want when it comes to us.", Lucas clears his plate and walks to the kitchen to put it in the sink.

Jenna and Natalia look at each other like they're deciding whether or not to tell me something.


They exchange one last glance before Natalia speaks up, "Jordan Miller is the leader of his gang, Venom. He's been our rival for a long time."

That name sounded familiar but I don't remember where I've heard it from. I shrug it off and Natalia continues.

"He and Levi used to be good friends but it stopped when Jordan went behind his back and told the cops, Levi had a whole stash of drugs. The police showed up to Levi's family home and searched the whole place, their house was trashed by the time the police was done. Levi almost got arrested and when he found out who was behind it, he confronted Jordan about it and Jordan said Levi was an 'arrogant asshole who had to be stopped or else everyone would forget who he was'. Jordan was jealous of Levi and wanted to take over his gang. Levi broke his nose and promised to do a lot worse if he ever tried something like that again. They hate each other now and every once in a while Jordan tries something stupid. I guess tonight he wants to try again, for the 15th time."

Jenna let's out a small laugh, "It gets kind of tiring when he won't just give up. Him and his gang won't be able to bring ours down."

Lucas walks out from the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand. I give him a look as to say, 'really'. He just ate dinner.

"What? I was still hungry and Chase said not to eat all the chicken. Plus, I love peanut butter."

We all laugh and Jenna, Natalia, and Lucas all get into a conversation. While my mind goes back to Jordan Miller. Hearing his name makes me think I know him and yet I can't put my finger on it. I hope I figure it out soon because if he tried messing with Levi and his gang more than 15 times, then nothing is gonna stop him from doing it another time.

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