Chapter 30

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Kara's POV




My head is pounding and I feel pain on my abdomen as I slowly open my eyes to a white ceiling. Too scared to move my body, I turn my head to the right of the bed I'm in and see my brother in a chair about a foot away from me. He's asleep.

"Ad...Adam." My voice rough from sleep. He still doesn't move so I call again. "Adam."

His eyes snap open and he quickly stands up. "Kara, you're awake!" He walks over to our parents to wake them up. "Mom, Dad, Kara's up."

They both rise to their feet. My mom's bed head almost makes me laugh, but I stop before I do because it hurts. They rush up to be on the opposite side of my brother.

My mom grabs my hand and places a soft kiss on it, a tear falling from her eye. "Oh baby, I thought I lost you."

My dad is crying too which is a very rare sight. I've only ever seen my dad shed tears twice, this time being on of them.

"I'm sorry." I begin to cry along with them. My brother holding my other hand to comfort me.

"You don't have anything to apologize for. Nothing is your fault, Kara." Adam explains.

"It's all my fault. I jumped in front of the gun and got myself shot. Levi told me to stay in the room and I didn't listen." I cry harder.

"No, no baby, none of this is because of you. I'm the idiot who couldn't hold his liquor, while gambling and it's because of me you had to live with Levi in the first place. Don't you dare pin this on yourself. I'm the one who should be apologizing." My Dad rants. His eyes red and puffy.

"I don't want you to worry about any of that right now, sweetheart. You need to get some rest." Mom says, gently pushing me into the bed.

But I have other things on my mind than sleep. "Where's Levi?"

"In the waiting room. After I told him to leave a million times, he said he won't go anywhere until he sees you." Dad tells me, pulling a seat to the end of my bed and sitting down.

"Well, tough shit, 'cause you're not seeing him ever again." Adam argues.

"Adam, please." I look up at him and see a hard frown on his face.

"No, the fucker got you shot."

"He saved my life, Adam." He looks at me with a challenging glare. I don't look away and after a few seconds of the stare contest, my face softens. "Just for a few minutes."

"...Fuck. Okay fine. Ten minutes." Him and my parents walk out of the room.

A while later, Adam walks back in with Levi behind him. His head is slightly lowered and he takes a seat in the chair that Adam sat in before. I turn to my brother to seeing him shooting a scowl towards Levi and I gesture for him to get out. He protests for a second but gives in eventually.

Once the door closes I turn to Levi to see him already looking at me. His eyes carry shame.

"Levi, I-" He cuts me off.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Kara. This is all my fault. I brought you into this life and now you're hurt. I almost killed you."

"Don't say that. You didn't hold the gun and you didn't pull the trigger. You did not almost kill me. I jumped in front of the gun. Even after you told me to stay put."

"Why don't you hate me? I took you away from your family and forced you to live with me. You got shot because of me. Your life was risked because of me. Why did you even agree to talk to me?" He asks, searching my eyes for an answer.

"I...I don't know." I look down at my hands.

Levi goes silent but after a minute he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "I think you do know. You just won't say it." He looks at me like he wants me to say something. I know what it is.


But I can't say it.

"Levi, I don't know what you want me to say. I don't blame you for what happened to me and I'm sorry for just wanting to see you."

He stands up. "God damn it. You know what it is that I want you to say! I want you to say what you're really feeling." I just stare at him and don't respond.

I have no idea what it is going on between Levi and I. Our relationship is complicated. Yes, I am so attracted to him. He can be sweet when we wants to be and also very possessive.

And I know what he feels for me.

But, my family hates him and we're from two different worlds. Plus his lifestyle isn't exactly the ideal life I want. It's not safe and my parents definitely won't approve of me staying with him. I'd be too difficult.

When he realizes I'm not gonna answer he brings my head to his lips and places a soft kiss to my forehead. Levi walks to the door but before he leaves he turns back to me.

"I love you, Kara." My mouth falls open when the words leave him mouth. "And because of that, I think I'd be best if you go back to live with your parents. Your stuff will be brought to their house in a few hours. I'll leave you and your family alone from now on."

"Levi, wait." I almost yell.

He doesn't listen and closes the door behind him as he leaves the hospital room.

I fall back on the bed and let out a deep breath. Tears drop on my face as I silently cry alone.

He loves me.

I wanted to be able to say it back. But I couldn't. I don't know how I feel about Levi. Saying the words without knowing if I mean it, would just make everything more frustrating than it already is. I can't do that to him.

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