Chapter 43

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I try not to fall asleep in the middle of a lecture, but I haven't gotten any proper sleep in three days. I've been too stressed thinking about everything. Usually, Levi is here to distract me but now that he's gone I'm alone with my own thoughts.

Levi and I talked once since I watched him drive away from his Uncle's house. He's been occupied with the gang stuff and hardly has time to talk, but I mean I can't put all the blame on him though, I've been busy with school work and looking for a job. Our lack of communication is on both of us.

"Ms. Anderson?" My professor's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

I lift my head up, straighten my posture. "Yes, sir?"

"Am I boring you?" He raises his eyebrow.

Honestly, yes. I have no idea why I even decided to take Economics. I have no interest in the subject. I obviously can't tell him that so instead I say, "No, sir. I apologize."

"Good," is all he says before turning back to the projection board.

After class, I have about two hours of free time before my next one. Pulling out my phone, I call Melanie and ask if she has time for lunch. We agree to meet at the cafe on campus in fifteen minutes.

I get there before her and order two iced coffees, hers with three sugars, and grab a window table off to the side.


I turn at the sound of my name and see a blond-haired guy walking over to me. I squint my eyes before they come closer to me and I recognize their face. "Ben. Hey!"

"How've you been? Where's Levi?"

Does he not know? Levi must be incredibly determined for his lifelong friend to have no idea about his activities. The more I talk to him, the more I'm thinking he knows nothing about Levi's gang affiliation. It's probably best he doesn't know.

"He's out of town for two weeks. Just business." I smile, assuringly. "I'm actually back in school now. Break's over, time to get back to work, you know."

"Yeah, I do. I'm over at Freeman about twenty minutes away." Ben takes a seat across from me and I see his eyes flicker to the other coffee in front of him. "Sorry, are you waiting for someone?"

"Uh Ye--", just as I'm about to answer him, my phone buzzes, and I look down to see Melanie texted me.

Mel: Damon had an emergency and needs me to come to see him. Sorry, Kar. Brunch tomorrow?

I sigh. Me: It's fine. I hope Damon's okay.

"No, I'm not. You're welcome to sit and drink that ten-dollar coffee that I just paid for." He chuckles and takes a sip of the drink. "So, what have you been up to? Snag yourself a girlfriend yet?"

Ben smirks, "Sorry to tell you this Kara, but I don't do relationships. Try not to look disappointed."

I laugh and gulp down half of my coffee. "Now that you've said it, you definitely look like a player."

"Is it the hair? 'Cause I get that a lot." He runs his long fingers through his wavy blonde locks.


"I actually have a football game on Sunday. I'd love it if you came. Hunter will be playing too. You can even bring a friend." He offers.

I hesitate. "Sure, yeah. I'll be there."


It's now the afternoon and I'm back at my dorm watching 'The Vampire Diaries' in the living room and eating ice cream when I get another text. I assume it's Melanie updating me on whether everything is fine with Damon but when I check, I see that it's Levi.

Levi: I miss you.

It's the only thing he sends and it confuses me because he didn't answer my call this morning. I decided to give it another try and press the call button. The phone rings for a few seconds before he picks up. It's loud on the other end with male voices in the background. They mostly speak Spanish but I can hear a few English words being tossed in.

"Hi." His voice is surprisingly stern. "I didn't expect you to call."

"I haven't spoken to you in three days. I wanted to hear your voice. I miss you too." I whisper.

"K-- I've been busy. This situation is more complicated than I thought. I don't have a lot of available time." A groan erupts from my mouth before I can control it. "I'll be back before you know it."

"I need you. Life's meaningless when we're apart."

"Garcia! Te necesitamos." An unfamilar voice calls.

"I have to go, love. It was nice to hear your voice." Levi hangs up and once again I'm left alone with my thoughts.


A/N: I'm sorry for the really short chapter. It's kind of a filler. I'm still deciding on how I want this story to end but I mean I'm a sucker for happy endings :)

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