Chapter 28

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I jolt awake in my bed and looking around to figure out where that sound came from. It's still dark outside and Levi isn't sleeping next to me which isn't new. He's been sleeping in a different room for the past week, trying to avoid me I assume. 

My heart immediately starts to beat faster once I realize that I'm alone. I hear shouting outside the bedroom door and I stand up and throw on some shorts, quickly. Opening the door to peak outside the hallway, I see dozens of strangers dressed in black, about to come up the stairs, holding guns. 

Holy crap. What the hell is going on? 

I put my head out farther, my eyes going to the door that's on the opposite end of the hall and far from the stairs. Levi's room. I can hear them clicking their bullets in place as they take the safety off. I take what could be my only chance to get to another person and dart as quickly and  quietly as I can, down the hall to Levi's room. I burst through the door and close it behind me. 

Turning around to see Levi, Isabella, and Lucas standing before me. They each had guns in their hands. They were talking amongst each other but stopped when I walked through the door. I ran up to Levi and wrapped my arms around his neck, breathing in his familiar scent of after shave and cologne.

"I was just coming to get you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked me pulling away to look into my eyes. My eyes were scanning the room in panic, trying to get a grip on the current situation. My mouth was gaping and I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Kara look at me. Breathe." He grabbed my chin, firmly and forced me to look into his eyes. His eyes were slightly darker and his pupils were a bit dilated. As I stared into his dark green eyes, I felt myself slowly calm down. He nodded. "Good. I need you to be calm if we're going to get out of this. Now are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "I'm okay. What's happening, Levi? Are we going to die?"

He took my head in his hands. "No, we're not going to die. You're going to be okay, alright. Just listen to me." My hands went to his forearms. "You're going to go with Lucas and Isabella and you're going to sneak down to the basement. Go into the cell room and you're going to lock the door behind you. Don't open the door for anyone except me." 

"What, no. What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere. Who are those people, Levi?" My grip tightened on his arms. 

"Kara just stop asking fucking questions and just do what I tell you for once. You need go now! " I shook my head 'no' but he pushed me into Lucas' arms. 

Lucas grabbed my arm and begun to drag me towards the door. "We have to leave, Kara. They're coming soon." 

Levi quickly pulled me back to him and connected his lips to mine. It was a fast but passionate kiss which told me that there was a chance I might not see him again. Before I had any chance to respond, he pulled away and nudged me towards the door. "Go." Was all he said before Lucas tugged me out of the room and down the hall. Isabella following, closely behind us. 

"They're at the bottom of the stairs, how are we going to get to the basement?" Lucas whispered to Isabella. 

"My dad built a secret hallway for emergencies when we moved into this house. It leads to the gym and from there we can get into the cell room. It's in Iris's room, behind the bookcase." She explained.

I was half paying attention to my surroundings and half watching the door at the end of the hallway to see if Levi would open it. He didn't. Isabella guided both of us to the passageway and as we made our way through a scream cut through the air and more guns were fired. I wondered if one of those people were Levi.

We went past the gym and when we entered the cell room, Isabella pressed her thumb on the door knob and it scanned her fingerprint. The door opened and she rushed us inside. 

"Stay in here until Levi comes. Chase and Jenna are getting back up from an ally of ours and Levi is going to find Jordan. Isabella and I are going to help him once we get you safe okay. When we leave lock the door behind us with your fingerprint it's already in the home system. Everything's going to be fine." 

"I want to help. I'm apart of the gang too, aren't I? I'm not some useless little girl that can't help herself why cant I fight with you guys? Why do I have to wait in here for someone to come get me?" I argued.

"We know you're not a little girl, Kara. It's just better not to risk you getting hurt. Which is a high probability when you've only practiced fighting twice. Plus, Levi would be pissed if we took you with us. It's just better for everyone if you stay here." Isabella reasoned. Lucas went out the door searching for any intruders. He gave Isabella a look and she moved closer to the door. "Be quiet and try not to get yourself caught."

I rolled my eyes as she shut the door and my thumb went to knob to lock it. I heard two beeps and the knob turned red. Looking around I decided to sit on one of the chair in a cell, waiting as the sound of banging and bullets filled my ears. My chest going up and down at a fast rate. 

After about forty minutes of waiting I heard the shooting die down and a few seconds later I heard a grunt that sounded like it was in the basement living room. The grunt was loud and came from a deep voice. I recognized it instantly. Levi.

I instantly ran up to the door and put my ear against it. I could hear another voice in the room with him. 

"Where is she, Garcia?" His voice scratchy and loud. 

I heard Levi spit. "No place that you can find her. Leave Kara out of this. This is between you and me, Jordan, not her."

"She's involved in this just as much as you are." He responded.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Levi was angry, you could hear it in his voice just how much he wanted to rip Jordan apart. 

"You know what you did! You ruined my life! You took her and my gang." He argued, his voice growing louder.

"This is my gang, Jordan. He was my father—my blood—not yours. If he was your family, you would've had it." 

"I almost did! I had been kissing his ass for years trying to persuade him to hand over his legacy. But as that fucker laid on his death bed, I knew he was going to give it to you and he did. You don't deserve to be leader and you never will. You were always a spoiled child. But me being the forgiving person that I am, I was willing to let it go and I even put it past me for a few years. I even became your friend. Until I laid my eyes on the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Kara was so vibrant and young. Her amazing curves and her gorgeous eyes and her spicy personality. She was everything. I loved her more than anyone I ever loved. And she didn't know me yet but I planned to make her mine. Watched her everyday leaving for school and returning to her dorm just to make sure she was safe. But then of course, her foolish drunk of a father had to go and gamble with her life. You just had to accept his offer. And then Kara joined the list of all the things you've taken from me. Bitch jumped into your filthy arms faster than I could blink."

"You're fucking crazy." I heard Levi growl.

"I may be crazy, but you're about to be dead." I heard a gun click in place.

My eyes widened and I opened the door quickly to stop the man. "Stop!" I screamed. 

They both turned over to me, fast and I saw the panic in Levi's eyes before I heard the gun in Jordan's hand go off. "Kara!" I heard Levi shout.

Levi pulled out his gun and shot Jordan four times straight in the head. He fell fast. I stood shocked as everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I looked down at my stomach and touch the stain of blood that was spreading. The red liquid now on my hand. 

I saw Levi in front of me now, screaming at me but everything was blurred and I felt like I was underwater. I collapsed to the rugged floor and started at the ceiling, Levi in my peripheral vision. He was still yelling at me. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and next thing I knew my vision was blinded by white that started to surround me.

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