Chapter 27

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Kara's POV

"Kara." I heard a voice call for me. I stirred under the covers, turning my head away from the sound. "Kara!"

"Mm!" I groaned in protest.

Whoever is waking me up this early, better prepare themselves to be attacked.

"Kara, come on. You have to get up." The person argued. I didn't respond and I was about to fall back asleep when I felt the covers being ripped off of me.

I sat up in the bed fast and made eye contact with the monster who provented me from getting any further shut eye. Jenna. "What the hell?"

When I sat up, I instantly saw that Levi was not sleeping by my side. Is he really that mad at me?

Don't think about that right now, Kara.

She shrugged. "Sorry but we have to train today. Last time didn't go right and you'll need the training now that we know Jordan is after you. He's bound to try something again so you need to be prepared."

I groaned and dragged my body out of bed.

"Meet me in the gym when you're done." Was all she said before leaving out the door and down the steps.

I walk into the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth, before I pull my messy hair into a pony tail. I walk back into the room and put on some black tights and sports bra from my drawer. I slip on some sneakers and start to make my way to the basement gym.

Walking down the stairs, I pass by Chase. "Hey, Chase!"

He looks at me and his cheeks, instantly go red. "Kara." He turns away and goes down the hall.

Strange. What his problem?

I make it to the bottom of the steps and I glance to the living room and see covers and pillows folded on the sofa. Did Levi sleep down here?

I shake the thought from my head. I need to stop thinking of him and focus on learning to fight. As soon as I open the doors to the gym I see Lucas and Jenna sitting on the ground by the gym, stretching.

"Well, look who finally decided to join us." Lucas greets me.

I roll my eyes at his comments. "Nice to see you too, Lucas."

I join them in stretching and soon Lucas and I are in the ring and I move into position. Jenna is sitting on the sidelines.


Lucas starts towards me and I pull my hands in front of my face to prepare my self. I glance down at his feet and see him lift his leg up. I quickly duck under and when I stand back up I punch him in his side.

"Ah!" He exclaims.

"Come Lucas, she's a beginner!" Jenna yells.

He pulls his left arm back and bring it towards my face as I block it with my right arm and hit his chin with my elbow. He stumbles back and I inwardly congratulate myself for getting him two times in a row.

My celebration is short lived when he catches me off gaurd and kicks me in the rib cage. I fall to the grow and he attempts to repeat the move but I grab his leg and push him to the ground. He falls beside me and I climb on top of him, striking his face again.

"Fuck, Kara." He covers his nose and taps the ring. I immediately get off and put my arms up in victory.

"Yes! I won! Ha!" I do a short dance before Lucas is replaced by Jenna and grab a small drink of water before she is in position.

"Lucas might've been easier to beat but I won't go down as easy." Jenna smirks.

"Hey! I didn't even try that hard. I put in like 50 percent. If I was going full strength, I would've won." Lucas argues.

"Whatever." Jenna says, dismissively.

Lucas counts off and as soon as he screams 'begin', Jenna launches at me. She jumps on me, causing me to fall back and I hit my head on the floor of the ring with her sitting on me. She throws a fist at my head but I move it to the right just in time. I hit her in the stomach with my elbow and she falls backward and off of me. I don't waist my time in crawling on her and jabbing her in her side. She grunts and punches me in the face. It stings but I can handle it. I know she's not putting her entire power in her attacks, just because it's me she's fighting.

I wish she would treat me like a normal opponent but I know that I am far from it.

I strike her in her jaw and she releases another grunt before pushing me off her and trapping me under her arms on the ground. I struggle to move and a few minutes later, I give up and tap my hand on the material underneath me. "Ugh, you win."

She smiles triumphantly, taking her weight off me and climbing out of the fighting ring. "I knew I would."

I roll my eyes and follow after her.

"I'm starving." Lucas says.

"Lucas, when are you not starving?" Jenna says, laughing.

"Shut up."

All three of us make our way to the kitchen for something to eat, having worked up a big appetite. I notice that after having being in the gym for two hours, Levi still hasn't shown up. What is his problem? He can't possibly be this mad at me for not saying anything. I may not want to admit my feelings just yet but that doesn't mean I don't want him around. He can't just avoid me like this.

I sigh. Jesus, where is he?

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