Chapter 13

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Levi opens the door for me and I silently thank him with a smile. He puts his left hand on my lower back and guides me over to a corner booth in the diner where a thin and scary-looking woman sits. Her gray hair pulled up back with a red clip that matches her lipstick. She's busy talking to someone on the phone and from her expression, she is not happy with them. I'd hate to be the person on the other side of that conversation.

The lady spots us making our way to her and she mumbles something inaudible into the phone and puts it away. A smile--that doesn't look genuine, might I add--spreads on her face and she place her hands in front of her on the table.

Levi is the first to speak up, taking the window side of the booth as I seat myself beside him. "Hi, Mom." He says, giving her a tight smile.

"Hello, Jackson." The woman's eyes drift to mine and suddenly the napkin dispenser becomes very interesting. My gaze stays on anything but her piercing, dark green eyes--nothing like Levi's.

I look at Levi to see him slightly wince at the fact that she just used his actual name. In my opinion, 'Jackson' isn't such a bad name so why does he looked so embarrassed by it?

"I've told you not to call me that. My name is Levi." He said, firmly.

"Oh, honey, you know I have a horrible memory. You need to remind me more, I forget you like to give yourself nicknames." She cackles.

Levi rolls his eyes, letting out an irritated sigh. "Sure, Mom."

"So is this the new addition to your gang?" She asks, looking back over to me, giving me a judgy once over.

"Mother, meet Kara Anderson. Kara this is my Mom, Lilian Garcia." Levi says, gesturing to her.

"Hello." I politely smile at her.

She goes still for a while before she straights up and reaches her hand out to shake mine. "Anderson, huh. You're Aurther's daughter, aren't you?" She asks me, pulling her hand away and squirting a drop of sanitizer on her hands.

I almost scoff, watching her scrub her hands as if I have some kind of disease, but instead I swallow my unpleasant sentence and reply respectfully. "Yes, I am. How do you know him?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure everyone in the 'business' world knows of him. Perfect way to make some easy money from."

Who the hell does this woman think she is? Did she just imply that my father was an gateway for people to get money? "Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrows in shock.

"Sweetheart, I didn't mean to offend you. I thought you knew of your father's gambling problems, my apologies." She spoke with not even an ounce of sincerity.

"What news did you have for me?" Levi cuts in, knowing I was about to go off on his mother.

Lilian moves to face her son. "Jordan paid me a visit yesterday. Told me all about his plans to 'disintegrate' you. Went on and on about getting his hands on the one thing you truly cared for. I wasn't sure what he was rambling about and to be completely honest I didn't care. The lunatic was thrown out before he could get in another word. He sent this to me as soon as he left." She takes her phone out and shows Levi something on it, angling it so I couldn't see. "Told me to warn you."

"What could I possibly care about more than anything?" He asked, putting his hand to his chin.

"Better think about it fast, he doesn't seem like a person to go back on his plans." She said, grabbing her purse and standing up. "I'll speak to you later, Jackson." She walked out the door.

Levi rolled his eyes and ran his hand though his hair in frustration. Lowering his head he released an exaggerated groan.

I placed my hand on his onto of the table. "Hey." I said, to gain his attention. He looked at me, awaiting for me to continue. "You'll figure it out, okay? Don't worry." I spoke, reassuringly.

He smiled and gripped my hand, interlacing our fingers. "Thank you."

I return his smile but his lips soon fell into a flat line. I watched his eyes move from my eyes to my lips and he gripped my face between his hands and pulled me towards him. I let out a quick gasp before his soft lips touched mine as he kissed me. They moved against mine and he shifted his hand on my waist. I felt my stomach erupt with fire and my lips sizzled on his.

My eyes widened and I pulled my head away, scooting backwards towards the edge of the booth.
"I can't." I put my hands to his chest to push him away and skate my head softly, closing my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I jus--" Levi spurs out, hands going to his forehead. "Nevermind, let's go back home."

The ride home was so different that the travel to the diner. It was awkward and weird. I avoided all eye contact with Levi.

Why did he even kiss me? He doesn't  like me. I don't even know why I let him kiss me. He just needed someone and I happened to be there. It wasn't anything serious.

Levi stopped the car and I noticed that we were outside the house. I opened the door to get out but he stopped me. "Hey, I'm sorry for ki--doing what I did in the diner. I wasn't thinking. Can we just act like it never happened?"

"Sure." I smile at him and make my way into the house to my room.

I change my clothes in a purple shirt and black short before crawling into bed to take a nap. I need one after all that took place, draining all my energy.

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