Chapter 25

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The jolt of the car wakes me up and I sit up in my seat.

"Well, look who's finally awake." Melanie said, glancing at me quickly before turning back to the road in front of her. "I'm beginning to think you wanted me to help you sleep." She jokes, laughing.

I called my best friend, last night, after Levi kissed me and asked her to come down here the next morning to hang out. I need something to distract me from everything that's going on and Melanie can always put me in a good mood. Plus I wanted to buy some running never know.

"Sorry, Mel. I don't mean to be falling asleep. I really did want to spend time with you." I smile at her. "It's nice to see a familiar face. I haven't spoken to my family in a while, now that I don't live with them and all."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about your whole situation with that Levi guy. Mind explaining it again?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

Earlier, I told Melanie about me living with Levi but of course I didn't tell her why and I didn't say anything about his gang, that I am kind of a part of. So, from what I told her, she thinks Levi is the son of my Dad's friend and he lives with his 'roommates' in a huge mansion. Levi offered me a place to stay, so I could have a little more space and now I live with him.

"I told you already. Levi's a nice guy who gave me a room in his mansion, so I can get more space than my parent's small house. Even smaller now than Adam's home, too." I sigh.

"You got a pic?" She asked me, holding her hand out for my phone. 

"I think so." I scrolled through my messages with Lucas and found one of the many pictures he sent me of Levi, when he was trying to get a reaction out of me.

I showed Mel and her mouth fell open instantly. "Damn, he's hot! How old is he?"

I shrugged, "Only 22."

"You're lucky, Kar. I wish I lived with a sexy tattooed guy in his mansion. I would've been hit that."

My face heated and I hid behind my hand. I pushed her, playfully. "Stop, Mel!"

She laughed, hard. "What? That boy is fine!"

I could hear Jenna, chuckling, in the back seat. Levi wanted her to come in case something happened while we were out. She was basically our protection but to Melanie's knowledge she was a roommate. Which was basically true, but leaving out one detail.

"See, she gets it." She points a thumb back at Jenna.

"I was laughing at Kara's face. She looks like a tomato." She hunches over I'm laughter. After a few seconds, she put a serious face on again. "But, Levi is like an older brother to me, gross."

"Oh", Mel giggles. "Oops."

About 30 minutes later, we pull up to the mall and park into an empty space. All three of us step out at the same time.

"Okay so, let's get Kar's shoes first and then I need to get a few dresses since it's going to be hot soon." Melanie says, walking ahead of us, into the mall.

We went shopping for about 3 hours before we got back in the car and drove back to Levi's. Mel and I put everything on my bed and she went through her stuff, showing me everything she bought that I didn't already see.

"I wasn't really sure about this dress, but I bought because, you know, why not?" She threw it to the side as she pulled up a dark blue, summer, off the shoulder dress, decorated in yellow sunflowers.

"That's really pretty, Mel." I smiled, gushing at the beautiful peice of clothing in front of me.

She looked at it as if saying, 'its okay'. "Well if you like it so much, you can have it. It'll look better on you anyway." She tossed it into my lap.

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