Chapter 37

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"Bestie! I missed you, love." Melanie wraps her arms around my neck, smashing my face into her chest. "I cleaned your room, it looks exactly like how you left it."

After my mother dropped me off in front of the girls' dorms and we said our goodbyes, Melanie came running out the building to help me bring my suitcase up the stairs since there wasn't an elevator. We were currently standing in the middle of our small living room and I noticed she had changed the tables and blankets we had set up. Even though she did it without my input, I wasn't upset because it looked better than it did before I left. "And why would it need cleaning?"

"Well, two days ago Damon and some friends came over and spent the night and in the morning your room was trashed." I gave her a glance of disappointment as she talked about the party she had in our dorm with her boyfriend and their friends. "I know, I'm sorry, I should've respected your space but everyone was stressed out and I thought a dorm party was the perfect thing to get them happy again. Speaking of parties, there's one tonight at Damon's friend's house."

I groaned. "Uh, Mel I'm really not up for a party right now."

"Oh come on Kar. You haven't had a break in so long." She pulls on my arm and bounces up and down like a child begging their parent for a toy. "Come on, just say yes. Please? You need some fun in your life. Say yes."

"I don't know.." I bit my lip in thought.

"I'll buy you food tomorrow if you come." She smirked.

"Okay, deal." I smiled, sheepishly.

"Yay!" She screamed in excitement. "I'm gonna go pick out your outfit." I sighed as I watched as Melanie ran into her bedroom and towards her walk-in closet.

I spotted a tall coffee on the counter and immediately went to take a sip. A few minutes later, Melanie returns with a handful of clothes but pauses when she sees me holding the cup. "I know, you did not just drink my coffee. I paid eight dollars for that."

"I'm thirsty, sorry." I took one last sip from the straw and set the plastic cup down. "Now what awful thing do you have for me to wear?"

"Don't underestimate my fashion skills, babe." She pulls out a pair of ripped jeans and a white cropped, backless shirt with strings holding the sides together. "Okay this is your first option. Cute, right?" She shakes the pair of pants in front of my face, convincingly.

"Yeah, I really like it." I answered, honestly.

"Now this one is my favorite." She grabs a medium-length black sequence dress from her left shoulder and holds it out for me to see. It's strapless and has a deep plunged v-neckline.

I take it from her hold and put it against my body, looking in the mirror on the wall. "Wow.."

"I know, it's so gorgeous!" Melanie tugs on my arm. "Go try it on."

"Alright." I quickly go into my room and strip myself of my comfortable clothes and slip on the tight dress. It stops a few inches above my knee and hugs my curves perfectly. Stepping out of the bedroom, I see Mel gawking at me.

"Oh my god, Kar. You look hot as fuck!"

I chuckle. "I'm wearing it. It's a really beautiful dress."

"Sure, Kara the dress is pretty but you make it amazing." She grabs my hand and twirls me around. "Damn, I wish I had that body. I'm gonna get dressed already and see if I can come close to as awesome as you look in that dress." She leaves the room and into her bedroom.

I put on some black high stilettos to pair with the dress and a silver diamond necklace and earrings. Going into the bathroom, I heat my curler and curl the the ends of my hair a bit then spray my head with hairspray. After a while, Melanie comes out of her room in a light pink body con dress that ends above her ankles and her straightened hair falls down her back. She has on clear heels and a silver necklace that has her name on it. "The party started at 10 so we have to leave now."

"Mel, it's 11:24." I showed her my phone.

"Whatever, we'll be fashionably late." She shrugged.

We both get into Melanie's car with me driving because someone already had a few shots before we had left the dorm. We soon arrive at the house, well more like a mansion. You could hear the music from a block away and the place was flooded with college kids. I even recognized some people who graduated last year. When Melanie and I entered the house, I felt her immediately grab a hold of my arm and drag me over to her boyfriend and his friend.

"Hey, baby." Damon says to Mel as he greets her with a kiss. He shoots me a short nod and I wave back. She whispers something in his ear and they continue to talk in hushed tones.

I accidentally make eye contact with his friend and he moves closer to me. "Kelly, right?"

I shake my head. "Kara, actually. I'm Adam's sister." Adam went to the same college as me. He used to be really popular at campus and he's legendary for this prank he pulled on a professor that made him quit his job. I don't really know all the details and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

"Oh shit, for real?" He exclaimed.

I nodded in response. "Yeah."

"Sorry, I got your name wrong." I brush it off. "I'm Caleb."

I awkwardly smile and glance at Mel who is currently sucking Damon's face off.

"You want me to get you a drink? There's some beer and whiskey in the kitchen." He offered and grabbed my hand before I could respond. He took me to the back of the kitchen where bottles of alcohol were displayed on the counters. "What's your poison?"

My hand instantly went to the beer on the side. I opened it, chugging half of it down.

"I have to be honest, I'm shocked you chose that." He went to down two shots of whiskey.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't meet a lot of girls who like beer, that's all. They usually go for the more fruity kind of drinks." He shifted closer, leaning on the marble counter. "I can already tell you're not like other girls."

I rolled my eyes. Oh god. Someone please get me out of here.

"You know, you're a really beautiful girl." Caleb moved closer and I felt his hand on my arm.

"Thanks." I say, politely.

"My room's upstairs if you wanna get to know each other better." His large hand dragging further up my arm to my shoulder.

"Uhh, no thanks." I try to move away but his grip tightens a bit, keeping me there.

"Come on, I though you wanted to have a good time. Why else come to a college party?"

To have fun with my friend.

"We can talk and learn things about each other." He pulls on me.

"I think, I'm gonna go find Melanie." I attempt to pull my arm away but Caleb doesn't budge. "Let go." I tug harder, stumbling out of his grip and bumping into a hard chest.

"Do you not speak English, asshole?" I look behind me to see Levi. He's seething and his hand are balled into fists. He grabs my waist and gently pushes me behind him. "Fuck off."

"Chill, dude. I didn't know she was yours." Caleb holds his hands up in surrender before practically running off.

Levi turns around to face me and I back away, keeping some space between us. "What are you doing here, Levi?"

His arms wrap around my hips and he pulls me closer to him. Our faces inches away from each other. "I came to bring you home."

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"I want you back with me, Kara. We have a lot to talk about."

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