Chapter 39

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Levi's POV

"Good Morning." I heard her say.

My eyes opened to the most amazing sight. Kara was standing in front of me, still in the same dress from last night and barefoot with two plates of waffles and eggs. "Thought you could use a nice breakfast."

I sat up on the couch, taking a plate from her hand. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to," she answered. She flashed me a short smile before turning to eat her own food.

After eating more than half of the plate, I set it aside. Kara gave me a confused look as I reached for her half-eaten plate and placed it next to mine. I took her hand in mine and guided her to my lap.


I said nothing and instead wrapped my arms around her thin waist and pulled her against me. She put her arms around me and rested her head in between the crook of my neck. Her light breathing felt so good on my skin.

Together, we sat there for what felt like hours. Just holding each other. If I were to die right now, I'd be completely satisfied with her here. But, I knew we still had things to talk about. I pulled a fraction away from her in order to look into those brown eyes I love so much. "You know that I love you."

She rested her hand on my jaw. "I know. I love you too, Levi."

"I will never let anything happen to you ever again, I swear on my life. I will never put you in harms way." I take her face in my hands.

"Levi, why are you saying this?"

"I'm telling you this because I know that us being together will be difficult and almost impossible--I'm a gang leader for fucks sake-- but I'm willing to do anything and go to extreme length to keep you safe and happy."

Kara gets off my lap and sits down next to me. "Is this the other thing that's been bothering you?"


"I know you're a gang leader and I knew it from the first day I met you. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. I still want to be with you."

"Kara, I don't want to put you in danger and my life is full of it. I would leave it in a heartbeat for you, I would, but it's not that easy. It's going to take at least two years for me to be completely out and even then we'd have to be cautious." She looks down, breaking eye contact with me but I force her to look at me. "I want you to be sure that this is what you want. That I am what you want."

"Of course you're what I want. I get that being with you is going to be hard and I'm ready to endure it all. You have nothing to worry about, Levi. I'm not leaving you."

Looking at her right now, still sitting with me after all that happened. After I told her all the sacrifices she would have to make and for her to still be here, willing to do this with means the world.

"I love you so much, Kara Anderson." I pushed her lips onto mine and she kissed me back.

Suddenly, I hear a soft knock on the door and we pull apart turning towards the noise. I gesture for her to stay there while I walk over to the door. Opening it, there's no one there.

"Levi!" I look down and see Mia, Harvey's daughter, standing in front of me. She lunges forwards into my arms.

"Hey, sweetie." I lift her up, tossing her a bit into the air and bring her down to kiss her cheek. She giggles.

"How come you haven't been coming to visit me? Are we not friends anymore?" She pouts.

"Of course, we're still friends. I'm sorry, I've just been busy lately. How 'bout I give you a dollar for being so patient with me?"

She gasps, "A whole dollar?" I pull a bill out of my pocket and hand it to her. "Wow, thanks!" I place her back on the ground just as Harvey approaches.

"What did I tell you about coming out here by yourself", he says sternly.

"I'm old enough to go by myself, Dad. I don't need a grown-up."

"Get back inside, little lady." He points to the back door of the main house. Mia huffs before walking away. Harvey keeps his eye on her until she's behind the closed door and then turns back to me. "Girl turns six and thinks she's grown." He chuckles.

"She has gotten so big from the last time I saw her. Jesus, six already."

"I know." We stand there for a few seconds just looking at each other until he speaks up. "Are you going to tell me why you're here and who this is or am I supposed to guess." He glances behind me at Kara wrapped in a blanket, her hair now in a small messy bun.

"Yeah, come in." All of us walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa. I take Kara's hand and sit her beside me for comfort. "Harvey, this is Kara my...." I trail on off my sentence, not knowing what to say. Girlfriend? Kara and I never talked much about what we are, even though I don't think we have to. She knows she is mine and I am her's. "My girlfriend."

I look over to see her reaction and she's looking down at our linked hands. A red blush on her face. I smirk at her cute behavior. "Kara, this is my Uncle Harvey."

"Well nice to meet you, Kara. What are you doing with a boy like Levi? You're much too pretty for him." I roll my eyes.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." She says, her voice quiet and shy.

"Call me, Harvey. No one calls me 'sir'." Harvey says, laughing. "Son, what had you and this young lady coming by my doorstep last night? I know you live hours away."

"Kara goes to school here. I was here to visit her. We needed a place alone to talk and yours seemed like the safest option." I answer, as vaguely as possible.

He looks between Kara and I in suspicion. "I hope everything's okay." He looks over to me in warning.

"It's a lot, but nothing I can't handle. Everything's being taken care of."

"I would hope so." He says. "Listen, why don't you two come inside the house and Levi you can see your aunt and cousins. They missed you."

"I missed them too. Just give us a minute, we'll be there." Harvey nods, gets up and out the door.

"Are you alright? You're being strangely quiet than usual," I ask Kara.

"You're uncle is a bit intimidating." She says with a nervous laugh. "I don't know if I'm ready to meet the rest of your family."

"You already met my mother, you can handle the rest of my family." I smile in an attempt to reassure her. "My aunt is going to love you, but if you aren't ready then we can leave right now. I'll drop you off at campus."

"I don't have classes yet so I don't have to go back." She takes a deep breath and gets on her feet. "It's okay. If they're important to you, they're important to me. I want to meet them."

I grin, "Let's go already, then." I grab her arm and tug her outside, making her laugh at my excitement.

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