Chapter 7

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After dinner I took a hot bath and crawled into bed with shorts and a loose t-shirt. I buried myself under the covers, taking in their warmth. My eyes were getting heavy and I was drifting off to sleep and then I heard the front door slam open and loud voices were screaming at each other. I jumped out of bed to see what was happening. I ran down the hall and down the steps to the living room. Chase was helping a bleeding Levi, walk to the couch and yelling at Iris to call Danny, whoever that was. She grabbed her phone in her back pocket and dialed a number, putting the phone to her ear. Natalia runs past me with a white damp cloth. Chase sits Levi down on the couch and he grunts in pain. My hand goes to my mouth in shock as I stand at the bottom of the steps, not sure what to do. She lifts Levi's shirt slightly to reveal his wound and she applied pressure to it. Levi bits his lip and closes his eyes.

"Relax, Danny's coming as fast as he can." Jenna says trying to make him less tense than he already seems to be. She was behind him, checking his pulse every few seconds.

"Keep your eyes open." Isabella almost shouts. She was bent down next to him. Her eyes slightly watered.

Chase's eyes go to me and he gets up immediately. He comes over to me and grabs both my arms, blocking my view of Levi, who looks to be going pale and in an unbelievably amount of pain. "Kara, go back to sleep."

He softly pushes me up the stairs and I brushed his hands off me, "What happened?"

"Levi got shot on the mission but a doctors coming and he'll be fine in few weeks." I tilt my head to the side to see Levi already looking in our direction. Natalia still holding onto the now red cloth on his lower torso. Our eyes meet for a split second and I instantly turn my focus back on Chase. "Kara, go."

I have a small debate with myself in my head on whether I should listen to Chase and leave it alone or stay down here and see if Levi will be ok.

Why would you want to make sure he's ok?

I shake the thoughts from my head and huff, "Fine". I turn on my heel and head back upstairs to my bed. I get back into the covers and it doesn't seem as comfortable as it was just moments ago. Still I manage to fall asleep.


The next morning was quiet. I went down the stairs and into the kitchen. I made myself some cereal and moved to the living room, where I found Levi laying down on his back, sleeping. His head was to the side on the fluffy couch pillow that was under his head. He was shirtless and a huge white bandage was wrapped around his waist. I sat down on the couch to the side of him and ate my cereal while watching whatever was playing in the TV. I was too scared to grab the remote that was laying right by his head as he snored soft but harshly. If that's even possible.

I finished my cereal and set it down on the table in front of me. The small noise of the bowl hitting the glass made Levi turn his head and he opened his eyes slowly adjusting to the bright sun light.

I got up and quickly shut the blinds. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks." He said, sitting up on the couch. He winced and his hand went to his side.

My eyes went to his bandage. There was only a small spot of blood that managed to seep through the layers. "How do you feel?"

He looked at me and his eyes searched for something in mine, before he replied, "I'm okay."

I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding went to grab my empty bowl, "Good. Uh,...are you hungry. I can make you something to eat."

"No, it's fine. I wanna get it myself."

He goes to stand up and I awkwardly watch him. Somehow he manages to stand with ease and walks almost normally. As if he didn't just get shot hours ago. I follow him into the kitchen and he takes out a carton of eggs. I went to grab the pepper and salt for him but the cabinet was too high for my 5'1 body. I felt Levi come up behind me and his hand grazed mine as he grabs the seasons from the shelf.

I giggle nervously and back away from him, trying to keep some space between us. Don't wanna repeat yesterday's events. Surprisingly, he didn't even bring it up at all. He takes cheese out from the fridge and slaps in onto the counter.

"You shouldn't be eating that." I heard a voice from behind me say. I turn around and Isabella is standing there, her hands on her hips.

"I can eat whatever I want, Bella. This is my house."

"And I'm your older sister. Listen to me when I say, you don't need that. You don't wanna eat anything bad that could mess up your health.", she grabs all the ingredients from the counter and puts them away.

Levi sighs and sits and the small square table in the corner of the kitchen. "Whatever"

Isabella opens up a pack of plain vanilla yogurt and grabs an apple, putting it in front of Levi. "You can eat whatever you want when your wound fully heals. Until then, you're gonna eat healthy." She walks out the room and I hear the front door open and close.

Levi mumbles something and picks up the spoon in the yogurt, scooping some into his mouth. I can't help the giggle that comes out my mouth. As soon as the sound come out of my mouth, he glares at me. "What're you laughing at?"

I clear my throat, "nothing." I leave the room to let Levi eat his healthy meal in peace. I walk back up to the room to get ready for the day. I go into the bedroom and rummage through my dresser. After what felt like an hour I finally found an outfit.

Dark blue jeans and a thin, white v-neck sweater.

I walked over to the mirror, checking myself out. It was simple but I didn't feel like doing anything extra. Who was I trying to impress?

I walked back down the stairs and sat down on the couch, passing through the channels. I settle on spongebob and start to relax.

Oh, I hope today is gonna be a chill day.

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