Chapter 50

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Two Hours Ago (Levi's POV)

I gave Kara a quick kiss on the shoulder before jogging after Adam.

"Wait." I say and he stops a few feet in front of me. "We need to talk."

"You're the last person I want to fucking talk to, Garcia." Adam turns around to face and stands up tall, attempting to intimidate me.

"Listen, I couldn't give a shit whether you like me or not but this is important to Kara so you're going to fucking hear me out." I take a step closed, locking eyes with him.

I can practically see the steam coming from his ears. "Or what?"

"For fucks sake, you're twenty-four. Act like it." Dropping my arms, I back away. "One thing we can both agree on is that we love Kara. This isn't fair to her."

Adam just gives me the ugliest glare for a minute before he turned into the kitchen. I followed after him. He pulled out a seat at the small wooden round table in the corner and sat down.

He gestured for me to sit with him but I wasn't about to let my guard down. Adam is an irrational and temperamental person.

I look at the empty chair and back to him and shake my head once.

"Well talk. Otherwise, I'm leaving."

"You're a stuck-up, spoiled brat, Anderson. Every time something doesn't go your way, you lash out. You need to fucking face the fact that Kara is a grown woman who can make her own decisions! She doesn't need you questioning her actions every five seconds and she damn sure doesn't need to be around your immature attitude!"

"Oh you're one to fucking talk, asshole. I've been taking care of my sister since she was fucking born! I have every right to criticize her choices! And don't think I didn't hear about you beating up your friend. Yeah, don't talk to me about being goddamn immature." Adam wasn't sitting down anymore. He pushed his chair aside and stood on the other side of the room.

"Stop comparing my actions to yours. We're nothing alike." I can feel myself getting angrier but for the sake of Kara, I tell myself to calm down.

I didn't mean to provoke Adam even further but man can he piss me off.

"Huh damn right. I'm not a criminal," He spits at me. "You're fucking disgusting."

As soon as the words leave his mouth, I don't even think. I swing and my fist connects with his jaw. He tumbles onto the floor but quickly rises back up, wobbling a bit.

I can smell the alcohol. It's like he bathed in liquor. "Don't think that just because you're related to the woman I love that I won't beat the shit out of you. Watch your fucking mouth."

His jaw is red but it's not going to bruise. The hit was like a warning. Only twenty percent of my power put into it. "Don't forget who you're talking to," I added.

"So this was what you wanted to talk to me about? State your dominance? I don't care if you're a gang leader." He hissed.

Walking over to the kitchen sink, I grab a hand cloth and rub the warm fabric over my knuckles. "Kara loves you, Adam. So because of that, when we walk out of here, you're going to drop the attitude. Whether you like it or not, Kara and I love each other and I don't plan on ever leaving her. Get over it and finally be there for your sister. And even though I don't give a fuck about what happens to you, I know that she needs her older brother."

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