Chapter 4

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"Punished?!", I almost yelled but I knew better than to raise my voice at a gang leader.

"I will decide your punishment in the morning." Levi lifts his head and scans the room. I look around to try and see what he's looking for. "Where are the girls?", he asks.

"They're either making out with someone or dancing.", I spun back around on my stool and took another sip of my drink.

Levi snatched the drink out of my hand and set in on the counter. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my seat. "Come on, let's find them and go." I yanked my arm free but continued to follow him.

He led me to the crowd of sweaty people and we walked up to Isabella, Jenna, and Iris who were all dancing on each other and downing drinks. Levi knocked the shot out of Iris's hand, making the glass shatter on the floor. They all instantly turned towards him, their expressions were harsh but as soon as they saw him they looked surprised.

What the hell was his problem?

I turned my head and saw Natalia, making her way over to us. Levi gave the three girls a glare and then turned on his heel towards the exit. We all followed behind him and made our way into the two cars, parked outside on the curb.

Isabella,Levi, and I in one car and Jenna, Natalia, and Iris in the other. The silence in the car made me nervous. I peeked a glance at Levi and he was looking at his phone, typing fast. He was mumbling in another language. I watched as his fingers, multitasking, scattering quickly across his phone, back and forth on each side as he looked at the road. He glanced over and noticed me looking at him. I averted my eyes towards the window on my right, but I knew he already saw me.

It was silent for a while, I realized that was a common thing when you're around Levi Garcia. Isabella was passed out, her head leaning on the seat.

The car pulled up to the black gate and I heard the driver mumble something and the gates opened. We came to a complete stop and I got out, folding my seat forward so Isabella could get out. I shook her arm to wake her up. She lifted her head and looked around her, noticing she was home.

"Isabella, let's go." My hand stretched out for her to grab. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her out. Her arm draped around my neck and she leaned on me. Levi walked a few feet in front of us, still mumbling. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and when he opened the door with his finger print, I walked his sister in the living room and sat her on the couch. Levi walked in the kitchen and I followed him to get Isabella water. I pulled out two glasses, deciding I wanted water too. I sat one on the counter as I filled up the first one with refrigerator water.

"No leaving the house for a week.", I heard Levi mumble.

I looked up at him and he had a stern look on his face, "What?"

"No leaving the house for a week. That's you're punishment."

I scoffed and started to fill up the second cup, "You know that's not fair, I was going to come back."

"You were late. I told you 12, no later." That was all her said before he grabbed an energy drink and walked off. I walked out after him and gave Isabella her water along with a tylenol. She thanked me and took it. After a few minutes of watching TV, she fell asleep and I covered her in a blanket and turned the lights and TV off.

I heard the door unlock and the rest of the girls came in laughing. They had fast food bags in their hands. Iris smiled at me and handed me a bag, I looked in it to see a burger and fries.

"Thank you.", I softly smiled.

"Of course, Kara", she smiled wider and they all walked off down to the basement, continuing their conversation. I wonder what was down there but I was too tired to follow them.

I dragged myself up the long brown stairs that curved on the end, breathing a little harder when I came to the top.

I need to work out more.

I opened the bedroom door and the lights were off. I saw Levi asleep on the bed, snoring softly. I went into the bathroom, locking the door after. I undressed and threw on a large shirt, I found in my dresser, and shorts.

I came out and crawled into the bed, making sure there was space between Levi and I. I turned towards the window, my back facing him and drifted off to sleep.


In the morning, I was the first to wake up, so I took a nice hot shower. The house was totally different in the morning than it was at night, a lot more quieter. I got out the shower and saw a shirtless Levi, sitting up on the bed. Half of him still under the comforter. His eyes scanned my bare legs and I blushed, walking towards my dresser so he couldn't see my face anymore.

"Morning", he said. He seemed a little more happier than yesterday, his mood completely changed. I mentally shrugged my shoulders, the poor baby was probably sleepy. Maybe that means I won't have to stay inside.

"Levi" I replied back, grabbing my clothes and walking back into the bathroom. I changed into a blue pair of shorts and a off the shoulder crop top. I straightened my hair and put a choker around my neck.

I walked out and was instantly slammed against the wall. I wince in pain and saw Levi looking me dead in my eyes.

"Levi, what are yo--"

His lips ghost over mine slightly and I could feel his breath on my mouth. His hand massaged my thigh and before I could stop it, a whimper escaped from my mouth. I clasped my hand over my mouth in horror at the noise I just made. Levi's green eyes darken and he smirks. I close my eyes, afraid of what he might do. I feel his hand travel up my thigh and I grab his hand and yank in before it can get too high. He grabs my hands and put it above my head.

"Levi, stop", I struggle to get free but he doesn't budge.

"I can feel you're heart beating fast, right now. Are you nervous?" He teased me, breath hitting my ear. "You wanna know what I find interesting? You seem to dislike me but the other morning, you were staring at me. Why was that?" He asked.

I'm pretty sure my whole face went red after that comment. He was awake? "I wasn't staring at you."

Levi leaned closer to my ear, his lips touching it, and whispered, "Of course you weren't". His soft lips attacked my neck after that comment. A moan pushed it's way out from my throat and I felt Levi smile on my skin. He kissed my ear, my jaw, and he traveled down to place his lips on my collar bone. His hands moved to either side of my waist and he lifted me up, my legs wrap around his waist. And he pushed me back against the wall, I moaned at the feeling of his chest touching mine. His hand began to go higher up my leg.

I gasped and pulled myself away from Levi. We were both breathing hard and staring at each other.

Oh. My. God. What did I just do?

I run past Levi and out the bedroom door. I bump straight into Lucas who was walking down the hallway.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!", I go to push past him put he grabs my arm.

"Are you OK?"

I turn back to face him, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be. Nothing strange happened in the last five minutes. I'm not being secretive. I didn't say anything you did!"

"Woah, woah, okay. Calm down, I was just asking. You look a bit flustered, you're cheeks are really red right now."

"I'm fine."

"Well you see, I know I was just asking but the thing that makes me suspicious is when you said you're 'fine'. Everyone knows when a girl say they're fine, it most definitely does not mean they're fine."

"Whatever, I just wanna get away from here right now."

"I was just about to go swimming at the beach with chase and Isabella. I don't really wanna be a third wheel so it would be amazing if you could come."

I bite my lip, thinking. Levi said I couldn't go out for a week. But after what just happened between us and whatever made him so happy today, he might've forgot. What's the worst that could happen?

I shrug my shoulders, "Okay, sure".

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