"Charlie came back after two hours and unlocked the door"
Charlie: sorry
"I didn't answer"
Charlie: I thought we were ok
Tiffany: we are...but locking the door? Really?
Charlie: I'm sorry I didn't want you to go and spy Emma I wanted you to rest till we go to your parents' house and there we can announce everything and you will definitely overthink again and also tomorrow we are going to a doctor to see what is our baby's gender...now smile please it's all over
"I tried to smile though it didn't really work"
Charlie: please?
"He came and kissed me"
Charlie: I'm doing all of this because I love you so much...
Tiffany: I know Charlie
Charlie: then...why you don't have that beautiful smile on your face? I want to see it
"This time his words really made me smile and by seeing it he smiled back"
Charlie: better now!
"Me and Charlie were Ok I understood it better that he was just trying to protect me so I accepted that his actions were only because of the fact that he was worried it was just a misunderstanding between us which thankfully passed...we were in the car driving to my parents' house...am I nervous? As fuck!!"
Driver: we arrived mister
"And the car stopped"
Tiffany: they don't know we are here right?
Charlie: they don't know 'yet'
"He opened the door for me"
Charlie: come on
"I took his hand and we knocked..."
Tiffany: wow they got a big house
"Somebody came and opened the door"
The lady: hello? Can I help you?
Charlie: do you know her?
Tiffany: no idea
Charlie: we are here for mr and mrs Green
The lady: do they know you are here?
Charlie: I don't think so
The lady: mister they should know before you come
Tiffany: their daughter don't have to ask for these things
The lady: how can I know it I have never seen you before
Tiffany: you can tell them Tiffany is here
"She went inside Charlie didn't let the door close properly"
Charlie: go inside
"I did as he said and he came after me I heard my parents voice though we couldn't see each other yet"
Mom: what?Tiffany? She is here?
The lady: yes miss with a young man
Dad: Harry?
"I showed myself"
Tiffany: There is no Harry anymore
The lady: I told you to wait outside miss...
"My mother ran to me and hugged me tight Which made me to literally froze and then my father came to hug me"
Mom: we missed you so much...
Tiffany: but you literally throw me out of the house
Mom: we were angry my dear it was so sudden
Dad: where is the man Mia said?
Charlie: here sir
Tiffany: mom...dad don't be mad please it's Charlie...my fiancé and the father of my child
Mom: Child? What child?
Tiffany: maybe it was too soon to say but I'm pregnant
Dad: you are?
Tiffany: yes!! Do you want to send me out again?
Mom: of course not! It was just sudden...I didn't expect
Tiffany: I know mom but I thought you didn't want to see me I wasn't even planning to show up it's all what Charlie did he is the reason why we are here
Mom: oh...well...have a sit we can talk in a better situation
"Me and Charlie sat on the couch next to each other and my parents in front of us"
Mom: what happened to Harry?
Tiffany: he died
Dad: what? How?
Charlie: sorry for disturbing but I don't think if Tiffany wants to talk about it...

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...