"He just looked at me"
Henry: get up we should go!
Tiffany: or what? he would punish me like he punishes his other bitches?
Henry: he doesn't do it himself but be sure it won't end up well...don't play with him!
Tiffany: or what?
Henry: he'll find any person you like and kill them
Tiffany: he killed my boyfriend!
Henry: don't let more people die and this time all because of you
Tiffany: FINE!!!!
"We got up and left the room as we walked a little bit and went upstairs he opened the third door on the right, pushing me inside, locking the door as i got inside, I saw Heney didn't enter I had time to look around but...looking at what? there was nothing to see!only darkness not a single way for light I heard a voice, somebody talking...not anybody it was him...his voice"
:to keep yourself and anyone that you love safe you have to work for me, and for doing this you have to know how to protect yourself...if you fall you are dead
"I suddenly felt somebody pushed me I had no control I just fell down, then 'Charlie' talked again"
Charlie: you have to always be focused
"I suddenly felt him punching my stomach hard which made me scream in pain"
Charlie: if you scream it means you are weak
"He punched again and I couldn't help but scream my tears were falling with no control...another punch"
Tiffany: st-stop!!!
Charlie: why don't you punch me back?
"another punch and another scream of mine"
Charlie: till you scream I won't stop
"I could feel blood in my mouth but I couldn't even move I wanted to punch him but I couldn't move"
Charlie: go clean the blood around your mouth and be back
"I saw he opened the door for me to go out the light came in the room I couldn't move I couldn't get up"
Charlie: I said go!
"I tried but no move I felt his footsteps coming closer to me"
Charlie: what a shame! aren't you the brave girl trying to disrespect me? punch me! kill me! Oh I forgot you can't even move babygirl
"He kicked my stomach this time I didn't say anything no sound from me actually I didn't feel much and I didn't have strength to make any sound"
Charlie: good girl, you are learning
"He punched me and again I made no sound I didn't even move"
Charlie: very good babygirl you learnt when you take enough pain it doesn't hurt anymore
"He was kneeling in front of my body I could...I used all my strength to punch him in the face then there was nothing but darkness... as I opened my eyes I was still in darkness"
Charlie: you are finally awake
"I couldn't see anything"
Charlie: I should admit you did a good job babygirl I was surprised
"I could feel his smirk in the way he was talking"
Tiffany: ca-can you turn on th-the lights?
Charlie: light?
Tiffany: ye-yes
Charlie: don't ask somebody to do something for you do it yourself or beg for it
"I didn't want to beg him and he knew it very well but...I couldn't get up"
Tiffany: ple-please turn on the li-lights
Charlie: it feels so good to hear you begging but you should do it yourself get up and find the way because you have been a good girl I give you a hint...it's next to the door
"I got up trying to creep around as I found the door I searched the wall next to it first left wall...nothing then right...here it is! I turned the light on and found him looking at me with a smirk though the light suddenly made me unable to see,the whole time I was in darkness the sudden light is...I closed my eyes and opened them again, slowly"
Charlie: in some hours you have a harder work to do
"I fall on ground I couldn't take it anymore even though I wasn't really standing I felt him saying: get up but I couldn't I just closed my eyes I didn't hear anything I was too tired...when I opened my eyes I was in an unknown bed it wasn't my room and I saw Henry there"
Henry: do you have any idea how long you've been sleeping?
Tiffany: no...
Henry: two days!Charlie said maybe there is something we even brought doctor!!!
Tiffany: you had to! he hit me to death!!
Henry: it was what you are supposed to learn
Tiffany: learn to die?
Henry: learn to survive
Tiffany: this is insane
"He didn't answer, he didn't have time to answer because somebody just stepped in"
Charlie: how are you babygirl?
Tiffany: like you care!!!
"His hand grabbed my throat crushing it...he was chocking me"
Charlie: remeber that!I could kill you and I still can do it anytime I want so before saying any shit watch your words!!
Henry: Charlie!
"It was like he suddenly came to reality he let me go I kept coughing he was crushing my throat so bad I saw that he left the room and when he was about to go out of door he said"
Charlie: 5 pm now it's 2:30 you have time to eat something and get ready I'll send your outfit to your room and don't you dare disobey me...
"and he left"

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...