Charlie: nothing she just talks she can do nothing you can be sure I make sure that nobody would hurt you because with what you just did today you can be super useful so don't worry nobody will hurt you...
Tiffany: so...what about the others you said I shouldn't let anybody in except you, Clare and Henry
Charlie: actually...not me I have the keys so yeah the others you shouldn't let them in
Tiffany: why not?
Charlie: because with what they saw today they might want to...have fun
Tiffany: fun? you mean they might rape me and you call it fun?
Charlie: I have strong rules they won't do it but just in case...
Tiffany: so it might happen?
Charlie: no it won't...another question though...what's Violet's exact problem with you?
Tiffany: I don't know I think she is mad at me because she found Henry in my room some times
"He suddenly changed the subject"
Charlie: there is more deals I have like this that Violet couldn't make or anybody else and they are you think you can do this?
Tiffany: I can try
Charlie: oh and don't you think trying is not enough for them?
Tiffany: what can I do?
Charlie: make sure of it! In some times you start learning how to work with a gun how to shoot and...
Tiffany: why?
Charlie: don't you dare intrupt my words ever again...right now you should learn how to defend yourself more than you already do because there are some times that you don't have a gun around so for those times learning how to defend yourself without a gun is more important
Tiffany: I understand
Charlie: since tomorrow you'll come one day to me to learn those things and one day for making my deals and listen to me...before I forget I should tell you that whenever you wanted to go outside make sure me or Henry are around
Tiffany: I don't need bodygaurd
Charlie: you are dealing with dangerous people and I don't mean just rape
Tiffany: then?
Charlie: they kill people daily
Tiffany: I can take the risk I have nothing to live for
Charlie: maybe but as long as I can use you...I won't let you die easily
"I saw he got up and stood in front of me"
Tiffany: what is...your and their exact job like...what do you do or what was that deal about
"He slapped me in the face I was totally shocked I had no idea what to do or even what just happened I put my hand on my cheeck caused by shock"
Charlie: you talk a lot! Better to shut your little mouth and don't ask questions! I say, you obey nothing more
Tiffany: I-do you even have feelings?
Charlie: feelings? Oh babygirl life is too short for having feelings the only thing that stays and helps you is power! you fell in love but what the fuck happened? Where is he now?
Tiffany: it's not like that...
Charlie: it exactly is he left you, everyone leaves there is no love, no place for love, nothing! love brings pain and that's it! That's the meaning of love and it's better for you to understand it too
"I had tears in my eyes and he left with no words he didn't close the door though there was somebody coming inside I turned my back to the door...his heart is a hard rock and it can't change! It can never change he is cold, he has no feelings he is just as hard as a stone I felt a touch on my shoulder which made me come out of my thoughts"
Henry: Tiffany? Are you ok? I heard him talking...are you out of your fucking mind? Like...talking to CHARLIE about feelings and emotions and love? Seriously?
Tiffany: I...I didn't know he would react this way...
Henry: life for him is just his power not love not anything else
Tiffany: he is so selfish
Henry: yes he is that's why you should stay away from him...look at me
"He turned me to face his face by grabbing my shoulders he looked exactly in my eyes I literally forgot how his deep blue eyes shine"
Henry: don't let him hurt you...
"He was coming closer we were too close that I stepped away I can't do this...not after what happened to Harry I can't let anything happen between me and Henry plus if anything would ever happen Violet will tear me to pieces"
Henry: are you ok?
Tiffany: yes! Why I shouldn't be?
Henry: you did it so good today
"He came closer again maybe Charlie was right I should keep Henry away too..."
Tiffany: I...need to take a shower so...see you tomorrow
Henry: Tomorrow?
Tiffany: yes I'm tired I want to sleep after my shower
"I needed think about everything and every words..."

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...