Chapter 18

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"I went straight to the shop I knew each inch of..."
Tiffany: Trisha?
Trisha: oh my god! Tiffany!
"She came and hugged me crying"
Tiffany: I'm so sorry about Harry
"I started crying too"
Trisha: I should say that...what happened to you after that? we searched everwhere! We even called the police! We were so worried we thought we lost you as we lost Harry
Tiffany: of course not...I just need some time staying away from everything I need time alone after losing Harry I just came here to say don't worry about me
Trisha: where are you going again?
Tiffany: out of here I'm done with this city
"She hugged me again"
Trisha: please come again and visit us
Tiffany: I will! Don't worry
"I left and went back to the car"
Charlie: where are the things you wanted to buy?
Tiffany: oh...there was nothing useful
"The car started and he looked in my eyes"
Charlie: do you have plans?
Tiffany: for what?
Charlie: going out of the city?
Tiffany: I don't know what you mean
Charlie: I like the fact about you that when you talked to Trisha...your dead boyfriend's older still know how to play with her that's why you are still alive after that night
Tiffany: so you listent to my talk but I swear I did this so they wouldn't look for me Trisha even told me they went to police!
"I wasn't really shocked I mean...Charlie is Charlie he can get ANYTHING!"
Charlie: you know what babygirl? If I didn't know you are totally honest you weren't here right now...and police?
"He laughed"
Charlie: are they even dare to talk to me? I buy them all!
Tiffany: I'm sorry for what I did I had missed her and I wanted to make things ok so they wouldn't be worried
Charlie: I know
"After 5 minutes of silence we arrived"
Tiffany: can I...not work today?
Charlie: you already did
"I went to my room, locked the door, I threw my tired body on bed and started crying with seeing Trisha all my memories just came back...Harry...I just remembered that the dress I wore that night had a hidden pocket there was a letter in it...Harry gave me and told me not to open it for a week...I need that letter I picked my phone calling Charlie"
Charlie: what is so emergency? Another rape?
Tiffany: can you please send Clare to my room?
Charlie: fine
" he hung up and after 10 minutes Clare was in my room"
Clare: good afternoon miss
"She told me she is more comfortable calling me 'miss' than Tiffany so no problem!"
Tiffany: good afternoon...Clare do you remrmber the dress I told you to throw out!?
Clare: yes miss...I'm sorry I didn't throw it out I actually wanted to clean and repair it
Tiffany: thank god your didn't!..can you please bring it here?
Clare: yes miss I'll bring it right now!
"She left my room and came back I was dying to take the letter out...and here it is!"
Clare: is everything ok miss?
Tiffany: yes just...a letter from my boyfriend
Clare: oh...I'm sorry about him...
"I opened the letter...
'To my sweetest point of living...I know we decided not to have secrets between us but I had to deal with it since I was a darling...having you in my life was the best thing I could ever ask for I hope you know That I loved, I love and I will always love you till my last breath which is coming for me so soon...if I died in this while just know that I'm trying to plan for proposal to have such an angel as my wife but I need to tell you that all of this time I had been ...' somebody had teared the letter!"
Tiffany: What the fuck!
"I said as I was crying reading his letter..."
Clare: what is it miss?yes
Tiffany: I guess...somebody doesn't want me to know what exactly was Harry's secret that he hadn't told me all this time! It must have been definitely important
Tiffany: maybe he just wrote it and then he decided not to tell you
Tiffany: but no when he gave me the letter I'm sure it was full somebody doesn't want me to understand that and...
Clare: but miss...what if it's better for you?
Tiffany: I want to know what the secret is...can you help me though?
Clare: yes miss whatever you want
Tiffany: I want to find out who did this to the letter
Clare: how can I help you miss?
Tiffany: keep this dress walk around with this in front of different people like you want to take it somewhere and see how each person will react
Clare: yes miss

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