"I went out quickly as he was still talking on his phone I couldn't tell him he made me feel different like this he would never let it go! I went to the library, I spend most of my time there I was sitting on the couch as I opened a book in front of me not for reading though I just wanted to...get out of here it was being kind of boring I mean I know I had everything I could ever ask for but still I feel...trapped I'm tired of being here and not going out like at all!...suddenly I heard somebody opened the door so I turned to see who it was"
Charlie: why did you leave?
Tiffany: your phone rang I thought it's private so...I left
Charlie: being a good girl huh?
Tiffany: maybe
"He smirked"
Charlie: and what do you want instead?
Tiffany: it's a long time I have been here and not out
Charlie: actually I came here to tell you the call was about the meeting you have 40 minutes to get ready and Clare is waiting for you in your room
Tiffany: ok...
"I was shocked of the way he had suddenly talked to fast!"
Charlie: oh and...don't be late! I repeat!
Tiffany: ok...
"I went upstairs and as he said Clare was already there waiting for me she was setting the make up stuff I found a very beautiful dress on my bed it looked so great specially its color would match great with the color of my skin but...for such a place this dress is not good at all...maybe it's better if I would Change it to something more...made for this situation"
Tiffany: Clare don't you think it's better if we would find another outfit for me?
Clare: no miss we can't
Tiffany: and why?
Clare: mister has chosen this for you himself you can't change his choice
Tiffany: Charlie choosed this?
Clare: yes miss
Tiffany: but I thought he doesn't like these kind of dresses it's too beautiful to be his choice...did you help him?
Clare: no miss when mister wanted to tell me to come here he was holding this dress and told me it will be your outfit today so I should put it on your bed
Tiffany: wow I'm shocked actually
"I wore the dress, red color always looks good on me, I looked at myself in the mirror and wow that's actually hot! I like the way it looks"
Clare: wow miss you look perfect
Tiffany: thanks...
"She started making my hair,my hair become a bit wavy...a perfect match with the dress also make up..."
Tiffany: red lip stick and just a bit mascara
Clare: just this?
Tiffany: yes nothing more
Clare: as you want miss
"As my little make up was done I got up and looked at myself in the mirror wow I look so good"
Clare: time is up miss, mister is waiting for you in the car
Tiffany: ok I'm going
"I went in the car and saw that Charlie was staring at me"
Tiffany: what!?
Charlie: remind me to tell you something when we came back home
Tiffany: ok...
"He looked at me sometimes even though he was trying to look at me a way that I wouldn't understand I was looking too good probably he couldn't really keep himself as we arrived and got out of the car he grabbed my arm"
Charlie: do not talk, also don't kiss I mean on the lips neck is ok
Tiffany: I understood
Charlie: good
"He said with a smirk and I went in, it was a normal house, huge though charlie was leading me and he sat on the couch...as the last time he told me to sit on his lap and I did till somebody came"
The man: hello Charlie! I see you bring cute chicks with you...or maybe your slave?
Charlie: she works for me but not that way
The man: how much she cost?
Charlie: she is not for selling
The man: all of the girls like this dream about that
Charlie: she is different plus she works for ME and it will be like this!
The man: Charlie the deal does not work!

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...