"I know I was making a big deal over nothing but he didn't believe my word...he kept relating it to my tiredness and defending the one that he knew I was suspicious about I went out of the hotel to look around, the shops and all I didn't take my phone I didn't want it when I went back to the hotel it was 6 p.m as I stepped in Charlie ran to me and grabbed my left arm as he literally made me run after him which lead me to our room he threw me inside and came in while locking the door"
Charlie: where the fuck were you?
Tiffany: maybe I just didn't want to be around the people who doesn't believe me
Charlie: are you out of your fucking mind!? Do you have any idea how worried I was!?
Tiffany: no I thought you would spend time with your dear Emma
Charlie: that's the point?? Emma is your problem?
Tiffany: no she is not, my problem is the fact that you were defending her instead of believing me
Charlie: no Tiffany I just said you are tired and you need to rest also we are not here to make you more worried about anything
Tiffany: right
Charlie: Stop it please it just made me worried you left your phone here with no note
Tiffany: i know
Charlie: you shouldn't have
Tiffany: Charlie I was just in the shops around
Charlie: you have to understand you are not having a normal life! I have many enemies they try to hurt me it can be by hurting you you are just giving them chance also there is Jessica and Henry you have to be careful
Tiffany: I'm not a child
Charlie: not physically but mentally you are just a kid
Tiffany: fuck off
"He rolled his eyes"
Charlie: it's all because I'm worried about you I can't lose you! I am just trying to protect you and you don't even understand
Tiffany: that's not the point!
Charlie: it is!
Tiffany: whatever
"I rolled my eyes he came and sat next to me on and I looked everywhere but at him"
Charlie: hey...I just want you to be safe do you blame me for this?
"He was more calm now"
Tiffany: I'm just saying why don't you believe me...
Charlie: I do and since you said that about her I'm keeping an eye on her but I don't want you to make your mind busy and forget about resting that's all
Tiffany: so you believed when I said Emma is being suspicious?
Charlie: of course!
"I looked at him"
Charlie: so everything solved and clear?
Tiffany: yes!
Charlie: great...I'm going out if you need anything you call me and for making sure that there won't be any other misunderstanding while I'm not around and you would be overthinking
"He went out and closed the door and talked with a bit louder voice"
Charlie: I lock the door
"I heard the key's sound as I jumped to the door and started punching it"
Tiffany: no Charlie don't lock it I promise I'll stay Charlie!
"It was too late he already left I just sat on the ground and tried to relax so he believed my word and now...he just doesn't want to hurt me and he is trying to protect me...oh god Charlie you have no idea about discussing something like sitting and talking to make it right...and the fact that we are going to my parents' place soon just scares me more what if they say something that would make us break up? I don't want to lose Charlie no matter what"

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...