Chapter 54

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Charlie: I work like this...I let you have fun with her and I get what I want!
The man: not that easy Charlie just having fun for some minutes is not enough for me and I know how important this deal is for you so I have her for a week or you get nothing!
Charlie: no problem
"He mentioned me to get up and I did"
Charlie: we are leaving
"Wait what?"
The man: I was hoping that she would stay?
Charlie: she won't!
"Charlie grabbed my arm and pulled me as he walked"
The man: oh Charlie no don't leave like this please, I need to stop you
Charlie: but I will leave exactly like this and it's better if you would stay fucking away
"Charlie led me out of the house and directly went to the car and we sat on our own car sits it felt better not to have to be with that stupid psychopath even though I didn't realize anything about him but even I know he didn't have a good side, and that's why I am so happy that I survived from him that I had Charlie around like this whole time! as we arrived...we got out of the car and he stopped me"
Charlie: you come to my room quickly we need to talk...don't change these clothes
"I should admit it's hard to have this dress on for so long...I went to Charlie's room...I knocked but no answer after some seconds I knocked again and he finally told me that I can go in"
Tiffany: what did you want to say?
Charlie: I wanted to say that...
"He stepped closer to me"
Charlie: I thought this dress would look so good on you and I was totally right
"Another step closer..."
Charlie: ah you look so sexy with this dress
"I was about to say thank you but no not a good time for talking he was standing right in front of me and his hand suddenly grabbed my waist...should I stop him? He brought his face close to my ear and I heard his whisper"
Charlie: you have no idea how fucking beautiful you are...
"I closed my my breathing way was changed...he was slowly walking while leading me to the wall and he made it! He pinned me to wall I was expecting a kiss on my lips but no I got a bite on my's gonna leave a mark and out of my control I moaned he brought his face back up to look into my eyes"
Charlie: what was that? You like? Wait for what's going to be next
"I need to stop him!"
Charlie: why are you trying to keep yourself? Admit how good it feels for you how great I make you feel, admit that you can't stop your desire but wanting more
"I said nothing"
Charlie: that's what I thought too
"His hand ran to the back of my dress...unzipping it as he left a kiss on my lips"
Charlie: you asked me if that kiss meant anything...
"He was talking as he was removing his clothes and mine"
Charlie: I said I don't kiss anyone for no reason...and I kissed you because I like you and now...I can't keep my feelings hidden like you or control myself anymore!
"He kissed my lips and I noticed that both of us had our underwears on like...only!"
Charlie: you are mine...
"He grabbed my arms and led me to his huge double bed! As he slowly placed me there he came on top of me and started kissing my lips ferociously, my hands started caressing his chest"
Charlie: tell me how are you feeling? How perfect I make you feel!
"And this was where I found out I loved him undeniably"
Charlie: tell me!
Tiffany: it feels amazing...
Charlie: do you like to feel more?
Tiffany: yes!
Charlie: as I are a virgin
Tiffany: I am
Charlie: I'll have mercy this time but only this time
"This time? What is he even talking about?"
Charlie: I love you...
"WHAT? Whatttttt?"

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