"A light hit my eyes and I think I was awake...I could hear the sounds around me before I open my eyes I whispered a name...the only name that always stays on my mind..."
Tiffany: Charlie...
"And I slowly opened my eyes Charlie wasn't there I only saw Henry and yes I woke up in hospital seems that was only a dream..."
Henry: thank god that you are ok!
Tiffany: what happened?
Henry: Do you remember anything?
"This was my chance...to act like I don't know who Henry is so maybe he would let me go"
Tiffany: where is my husband? Where is Charlie? Who are you?
Henry: you...you don't know me?
Tiffany: where is my husband?
Henry: you live with me sweetie please calm down
Tiffany: I said where is my husband? You leave me alone
"I started screaming and a doctor came in"
Tiffany: I don't know who he is please send him out and ask my husband to come in...please!
Doctor: ok calm down...mister can I ask you to please wait outside?
"Henry got up and went out"
Doctor: ok so...how do you feel right now?
Tiffany: um...I have headache a bit
Doctor: it's because of the medicine you took
Tiffany: can you please ask my husband to come in?
Doctor: first I need to ask you a few questions to know you remember
Tiffany: sure
Doctor: name and last name?
Tiffany: Tiffany Green
Doctor: age?
Tiffany: 26
Doctor: children?
Tiffany: a daughter...her name is Juliette
Doctor: your husband is not here miss Green
Tiffany: please call him and tell him to come here please miss
Doctor: ok give me his number I'll call
Tiffany: and don't tell anything to the guy who is outside
Doctor: sure!
"I gave Charlie's number and she called him right in front of me and told him everything"
Doctor: he said he'll be here in 10 minutes
Tiffany: thank you so much...
Doctor: I'm glad that I could help
Tiffany: and can you please stay inside till he comes here I don't want that guy to do anything in this while
Doctor: sure...I can't stay long but 10 minutes is ok
Tiffany: do you have children?
Doctor: a son yes he is 5 and I'm divorced
Tiffany: oh...
Doctor: we couldn't get along anymore
Tiffany: something like he wasn't the one?
Doctor: at first he was...then he changed what about you? Are you ok with your husband
Tiffany: he is the best one for me, a great husband a great father
"We started hearing noises from outside like a fight she ran out and let the door open I heard she said"
Doctor: oh please! It's a hospital patients need to rest
Charlie: he kidnapped my wife!
Henry: if you would take her your daughter will be dead
Charlie: fuck off!
Henry: call home Jessica is there right now it takes her two seconds to kill your daughter
Doctor: if you want her to be good you have to let her to see him at least!
Henry: make it quick
"Charlie came inside, my heart started beating fast like it wanted to jump out of my chest"
Charlie: my dear...
"He ran to me as I tried to sit up"
Charlie: don't bother yourself I can hug you just like this
"He hugged my tight as he kissed my cheek and forehead and then his lips met mine for a long kiss I couldn't help but my tears were falling"
Charlie: don't cry babygirl
Tiffany: I'm just so happy to see you
"He held my hand and sat on the chair next the bed I was on"

Illegal (completed)
RomantikHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...