"He started whispering...sexy voice!"
Charlie: if you would tell me you actually don't want this I wouldn't believe you sorry!
Tiffany: but I don...
"He put his hand on my mouth and shut me up"
Charlie: your eyes are telling me what exactly you want
"I tried to talk though his hand there wasn't letting me to say a single word"
Charlie: babygirl is it so hard for you to admit that you are obsessed with me?
"No, never...bring obsessed with that asshole is total craziness ewwww! If I could only move or talk..."
Charlie: I know how you feel I know what you want but the question is...should I give it to you so easily?
"His face came closer to mine...his green eyes locked to my eyes...my way of breathing got changed and he noticed"
Charlie: are you trying to give me a sign that you want it...? What if...I would stop everything right now like you always do...?
"I closed my eyes I couldn't look in his eyes anymore I would be out of control if I would keep looking in his deep green eyes..."
Charlie: just say what you want
"I kept my eyes closed"
Charlie: could your boyfriend even change your breath like this?
"Actually no he couldn't but it wasn't a good time to talk about him about my 'dead' boyfriend so I just kept my mouth shut and so my eyes...seconds passed that felt like hours and suddenly I felt his lips touched mine I felt totally out of control when his lips pressed on mine I didn't open my eyes but there was no need I could probably feel it better with my eyes closed...he didn't want to let go...our looong kiss become to little kisses as we needed to breathe I didn't want to let him to play with my tongue but...How could I have the fucking control? He entred his tongue in my mouth easily as his was playing with mine...I couldn't feel better but maybe it wasn't right and I know it too but...who wants to stop it? I don't have the fucking control! He finally let my lips go...but his next plan was...A moan ran out of my lips as he bit my neck...fuck! He suddenly looked at me as he heard it...but still his face close to my neck"
Charlie: what was that babygirl? A sign of joy? You want more?
"He kissed and bite my neck for some minutes I don't know if I moaned but at least I tried not to make a single sound...as he was done with my neck he looked at me in my eyes again putting his lips on mine for a long kiss...and finally...he let it go I couldn't help I wanted more but also this wasn't right I knew it wasn't for so many reasons..."
Charlie: it's enough for you now
"He said with a smirk...I thought he was about to go away but he came back next to my ear and whispered"
Charlie: I can bet nobody has never made you feel this way babygirl
"He was right! He was fucking right not Henry not Harry none of them could ever make me feel this way he kissed my ear which become a surprise and left the room...I got down on my knees I couldn't stand anymore I just wanted to think about what just happened totally out of blue! Why did I let this happen? Me and him? Huh impossible! I heard somebody opened the door not gonna lie but I was hoping that it's Charlie"
Clare: miss...are you ok?
Tiffany: yes yes...I'm just kind of surprised
Clare: what happened miss?
Tiffany: nothing...
Clare: miss...
Tiffany: I said I'm ok!
"And I am! How could I not be! I was just making out with a criminal a murderer, why do I seem interested in doing this? I mean like I had this with Henry who killed my boyfriend and now Charlie! Gosh Charlie was not supposed to happen!
... After some hours I finally decided to go downstairs Charlie was still working with his laptop but he looked at me as I sat in front of him"
Charlie: after what happened I can't control myself...
Tiffany: you better to because I won't let this happen again and again!

Illegal (completed)
Storie d'amoreHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...