"The next day Charlie woke me up at 8 a.m. by a kiss"
Charlie: wake up babygirl
"I slowly opened my eyes"
Tiffany: what time is it...
Charlie: 8 a.m. we'll go and eat breakfast then we have much to do today
Tiffany: can I sleep 5 more minutes please?
Charlie: no, get up
Tiffany: please...
"He looked at me for a few seconds"
Charlie: five minutes only
"I closed my eyes right away and he hugged me I fell asleep right away and again a kiss woke me up"
Charlie: babygirl...it's 8:30
Tiffany: but I slept 5 minutes
Charlie: 30 minutes actually
Tiffany: oh god...
Charlie: you should get up or Emma would come to me
"He said as he laughed"
Tiffany: ha ha very funny Charlie!
"I got up and washed my face, and went downstairs"
Clare: good morning
Tiffany: good morning clare!
Clare: where is mister?
Tiffany: upstairs he wanted to change his clothes and come
Clare: oh well...I wanted to say breakfast is ready should I go and call him?
Tiffany: no...
Charlie: good morning Clare!
Clare: good morning mister
Tiffany: speak of the devil!
"He came and kissed my forehead"
Charlie: missed me already? In just a few minutes?
Tiffany: no Clare was just asking where you were so we talked about you
Charlie: admit that you missed me
"He said with a smirk"
Tiffany: oh I miss you all the time
"I said as I kissed his lips"
Emma: good morning mister
Charlie: good morning Emma
"Emma didn't say anything to me so I didn't also"
Clare: mister the breakfast is ready and the garden is prepared
Charlie: perfect! Thank you so much Clare!
Clare: I just did my job...
Tiffany: some people do job but that doesn't mean they do it right
"I rolled my eyes and yes I meant Emma me and Charlie sat for eating breakfast but I just wasn't feeling good for eating..."
Charlie: what's wrong?
Tiffany: um nothing...
Charlie: are you ok?
Tiffany: yeah just not hungry...
Charlie: but you need to eat...to have energy
Tiffany: I'm just not hungry now Charlie
"He was done but I ate nothing"
Charlie: we are going to stay in garden for a while
Tiffany: ok...
"He went out and I followed him, when we were out I grabbed his arm and we walked"
Charlie: why didn't you eat?
Tiffany: I told you...I wasn't feeling hungry
Charlie: so...today you'll learn how to shot somebody with a gun in case to protect yourself
"He went behind me and gave me the gun I held it and his right hand made me to hold it right, he started whispering in my ear"
Charlie: nothing should distract you, you should only see what you want to shot like the bottle there...you hold the gun like this...
"His left hand slowly went down on my body and slide in my pants"
Charlie: remember nothing should distract you
"He started touching me I was about to moan but as he said focus...how the fuck can focus like this..."
Tiffany: Charlie...
Charlie: shhh focus
"He kept the gun in my hand"
Charlie: and you just shoot...
"And it broke the bottle"
Charlie: good, now by yourself I won't hold your hand this time
"His left hand was still messing with my body but when I shot the second bottle he took his hand out, I was so wet..."
Charlie: perfect
"He said with a smirk"
Tiffany: so....what now?
Charlie: well...you learnt how to do it your lesson is done
Tiffany: it was hard
"He laughed"
Charlie: I had to
Tiffany: I bet
"I said as I rolled my eyes...shit...I feel like I'm about to throw up..."

Illegal (completed)
Storie d'amoreHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...