Tiffany: right
Henry: want me to call him now? Take it as an apology
Tiffany: no talk to him when I'm not around
Henry: Tiffany? I noticed you stopped reading books...are you alright?
Tiffany: yes I think it was interesting when Charlie used to suddenly come in the room and ask me about the story then start kissing me, fucking me and then stay with me and I would read it for him but no not anymore, makes me bored now
Henry: I can also do the same
Tiffany: you can do the same yes but you can't make me feel the same it's only Charlie
Henry: I don't want us to fight again so ok whatever you say
Tiffany: good
"I went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed, after a few minutes William knocked and came inside"
William: I actually wanted to stay and listen to the phone call he was about to have so I could explain to you but...I just couldn't I'm sorry
Tiffany: don't be sorry it's alright but...why you couldn't?
"He came closer to me"
William: it was a hard choice I could stay there and listen to tell 'you' but meanwhile I couldn't leave 'you' I thought maybe you need somebody to talk to at the moment
Tiffany: that's really nice of you thank you
William: can I ask you a question?
Tiffany: well of course
William: what is the real reason that you are not reading books anymore?
Tiffany: I was honest about what I said to reminds me of Charlie and since I need to let him go I prefer to not do the things that leads my mind straight to him
William: but everything reminds you of him right? I mean that baby and all
Tiffany: well yes it's right too but I can't delete these...
"Another knock on the door"
Tiffany: who is this?
"And with no answer Henry opened the door"
Tiffany: thank you William for bringing my pain killers I'm good now
William: oh your welcome I'm happy I could help
"I didn't want it to look weird that every time Henry opens the door William is in my room..."
Henry: pain killers? For what?
Tiffany: I have headache
Henry: taking pills can be dangerous for your baby you shouldn't take medicine without talking to a doctor
Tiffany: and suddenly you care about Charlie's baby
Henry: it's yours too and I care about you so same for your child
Tiffany: I'm tired of being here why can't we to another country for a few days?
Henry: if that's what you want we will
Tiffany: where will we go?
Henry: were do you want to go?
Tiffany: I like to visit Spain
Henry: ok then we'll go
Tiffany: me, you and William?
Henry: and 2 maids...a couple of bodyguards too
Tiffany: ok...
Henry: I do anything for you believe me
William: sorry sir for asking but since I have a few things to do I need to know when are we leaving?
Henry: tomorrow... morning probably
William: ok sir...if you let me, I go to do them see you both later
"And William left the room"
Henry: are you happy now?
Tiffany: I can't be happy again but it's good I can breathe as a prisoner in a new jail at least
Henry: hey...
"He sat next to me on the bed"
Henry: you are free but I can't lose you and I know you'd try to run away so I try to keep you safe and with me
Tiffany: of course I'd try to run away!

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...