"I looked back at Charlie with shock in my eyes I was so scared if he said I'm not going to be raped then what is it? I don't want it so it can be a rape! Charlie shook his head and also his eyes were showing me that there is nothing to worry about and I can be chill but I couldn't if this man was going to...ew! Though I turned back to the man and kissed his neck...as I felt his dick growing under me I got up Charlie wasn't angry that I got up he was even...satisfied"
Charlie: so we got the deal
The man: 50, 50
Charlie: that's not fair you want that girl for a night she worth more than 50%
The man: fine...60, 40
Charlie: 80, 20
The man: 70, 30
Charlie: 75, 25
The man: deal
Charlie: it was nice working with you
"Charlie said with a smirk somebody will show you the room and you can wait there for her oh and she has two simple rules she doesn't like lights and she doesn't speak
The man: doesn't matter it's accepted
Charlie: good then...you can wait for her
"Charlie mentioned a guy and that guy with the man went upstairs he made sure that they are gone then he looked at me"
Tiffany: please tell me...what the fuck
Charlie: he is allergic to this
"There was a powder in his hand"
Tiffany: is this...drug?
Charlie: no it won't hurt you just put it on your tongue go inside on top of him kiss him and enter your tongue in his mouth make sure your tongue will connect with his and then he would start getting sleepy he'll tell you he wants to sleep tell him ok moan a couple times and pretend you are having sex with him
Tiffany: why?
Charlie: there is no light but we have cameras there so we can edit the video to make it longer and though you just moaned a couple of times it seems a lot of sex so tomorrow when he wouldn't remember anything we'll show him the video and he believes oh and make sure you'll come out immediatly I send some people they can take off his clothes
"I looked down"
Charlie: I told you...nothing will happen for you
" I looked at him in the eyes I wanted to say 'like you care' but it seemed he does...i took the powder and followed Charlie to the room I put it on my tongue and entered I did as Charlie said every single part of his words I even pretend to have sex with him it was disgusting though and then I went out of the room I couldn't stay anymore I went directly to my room then Charlie came in my room around 10 minutes after I stepped in my room I didn't even change my clothes"
Charlie: you did it great I didn't expect actually
"He sat on my bed and looked at me"
Charlie: you might start having some problems with Violet
Tiffany: I kinda do already
Charlie: it can be more listen to me...till now she was the best in this job it's kinda the most important in these works the man you just saw...I've been trying to make this deal with him around 10 times but nothing, Violet tried twice...nothing! and as your first job you did something very important for me and now she is mad because right now you have a better place than her and it's not acceptable for her
Tiffany: so now she wants to kill me
Charlie: by what you just did you are officially a member and it could be by just a simple job and what you did is a big thing so you deserve something more
"He took out a key from his pocket"
Charlie: take this
Tiffany: what is it?
Charlie: your room's key you can have it now there is nobody who has the key anymore except me you open the door only when Clare comes or...Henry but he is not quiet interesting though
Tiffany: ok I got...anyone but not Violet
Charlie: it's not only about her oh and...this
"He gave me a phone"
Tiffany: it literally means that I'm free
Charlie: listen, don't ask anybody's number and don't give yours to anybody about this one there is only my number nobody else...understood?
Tiffany: yes...
Charlie: thank you...for everything what you did is a lot to us
Tiffany: us? I thought you are the boss
Charlie: I am but after me there is Violet and Henry and now you have the third place
Tiffany: but I'm new
Charlie: you proved yourself enough
Tiffany: what Violet might do to me?

Illegal (completed)
Storie d'amoreHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...