Tiffany: but...
Charlie: go before I would change my mind!
Tiffany: I don't want to go I can't go!
Charlie: you can
Tiffany: but I won't
Charlie: why?
Tiffany: personal reasons!...can we go back inside with no fights?
Charlie: no fights...just I want to kick his ass!
Tiffany: can you be chill for some seconds please?
Charlie: I swear I'm trying
"Me and Charlie went back inside he told me we can sit somewhere around those 10 men that we saw when we came inside there was some minutes that we spent with them and that man came to us...I hold Charlie's hand to make sure he is not going to do anything..."
The man: dear know that I pay good for good things...the things that worth it I just want this girl for some hours how much should I pay you?
"That man mentioned me it was disgusting!"
Charlie: she is not for selling
The man: oh personal use?
Charlie: you can count it this way
The man: as I remember you liked to share didn't you
Charlie: then I got people don't use properly so now what is mine is mine I don't share anymore
The man: that's nice people would fight to get then
Charlie: people can fight let's see who will win
First man: cool down Charlie he just wanted the girl these things happen a lot in these cases you should know it better than me!
Charlie: and I do but when I say something nobody can change my mind so if I tell you guys nobody can touch this girl I mean it!
The man: or?
Charlie: or I'll make your life worse than hell
"Charlie grabbed my arm and started walking fast I was trying to reach him as he was pulling my hand we went in the car the ride was quiet but when we got home and I changed my clothes I was about to open the door to go to the library but as I opened it I saw Charlie was standing there"
Tiffany: what do you want?
Charlie: let's just have this little talk
"He came in my room and sat on my bed"
Charlie: I'm so sorry becaue of the way I acted..
Tiffany: no problem...
Charlie: thank you for stoping me
Tiffany: it was the least thing I could do after all the things you did for me
Charlie: I still didn't change my mind you are totally free to go
Tiffany: but I won't go
Charlie: and why?
Tiffany: because I can't survive out there as you said Henry is looking for me also there is many more guys that I know now they all has the power to find me and I can't have a life like this they can't keep me safe and they don't even care only you do plus I don't have anyone out there
"He looked down and then he looked at me"
Charlie: I thought you said your boyfriend's family loves you
Tiffany: they do but you know after coming in these things in this...job I can't risk it and go to them...I don't want the thing that happened for Harry would happen for them too...
Charlie: Harry was messing with the wrong ones
Tiffany: that's not the point...
Charlie: I know what is
Tiffany: then...I can't leave
Charlie: if you want you can
Tiffany: I told you...
Charlie: what is your actual reason
"I can't leave before knowing who the fuck Jessica is"
Tiffany: I told you!
Charlie: right...
Tiffany: do you want to be alone?
Charlie: that's the only thing that I don't want right now
Tiffany: come to library it always make me to feel better maybe it would work for you too
"He got up and I followed him we found Clare in there she was cleaning"
Clare: mister?
Charlie: you can go
Clare: yes mister
"Clare left the room Charlie sat on the couch and mentioned me to sit in front of him and I did"
Charlie: do you know why I got mad there?
Tiffany: because he talked about...
Charlie: no because he was being a jerk Jessica was not different if you would ask 10 men she had sex with 8
Tiffany: it's not good...
Charlie: no it's not
Tiffany: so what happened to her?
Charlie: maybe she is dead maybe somewhere alive having sex
Tiffany: who was she for you?
"He just looked at me and said nothing I stayed quiet also I don't want to make him"
Charlie: I thought Violet was my friend but now she seems enemy
Tiffany: what do you mean?
Charlie: she choosed Henry
Tiffany: oh...
Charlie: I don't blame her

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...