Henry: let me make the peace for you
Tiffany: you can't! You are just taking it away from me
Henry: and William gives it to you? You were sticking to him since you saw him last night what's that?
Tiffany: he keeps me safe mentally and physically, you don't plus please stop acting like a jealous boyfriend because I'm married and not to you
Henry: you just never let this go do you?
Tiffany: I don't
Henry: what do you want that you don't have?
Tiffany: the one that I love, every second I spend here I'm only thinking about him and how good he made me feel how much I loved and I love him which will be forever and about what our love brought to this world our beautiful daughter I thought about you too But only about how I can run away from you
"He slapped me and started yelling at me"
Henry: I gave you everything! Everything you needed and that's what I get?
Tiffany: I need my family not the things you give me
Henry: your family is me! You will be here for the rest of your fucking life there is no way out
Tiffany: love wins, always
Henry: what love? You still think Charlie loves you? If he did...where is he now?
Tiffany: you have a thousand people out here he can't even get close to me
Henry: exactly! Because I love you
Tiffany: just leave me alone a few minutes
"William's phone started ringing and he went away to answer"
Henry: believe me I love you more than what you can imagine
Tiffany: sure
Henry: I'll come back in a few minutes since you asked
"He tried to kiss my forehead as I stepped back and didn't let him do it"
William: I have to go but meanwhile I have to stay...what to do?
"He seemed worried"
Tiffany: what happened?
William: while you were doubting if he loves you or not he tried to come here...nearly did, but he got shot
Tiffany: oh my god no! How is he now?
William: doctors are trying, they say even the surgery can be dangerous the bullet is so close to his heart
"I fell on my knees as I started crying hard"
Tiffany: what...what would happen to Juliette now? What is the point of my life...
William: calm down please
"He helped me to get up"
Tiffany: it's all Henry's fault...
"I ran inside the house as William was running behind me calling my name and asking me to calm down I found Henry in the living room and started punching him as he held me by my shoulders and I couldn't do anything anymore"
Henry: what happened
Tiffany: you fucking asshole! What do you want from my life huh? That little girl...you took her mother from her now it's her father's turn? do you even have a heart?
Henry: what are you talking about?
Tiffany: Charlie was trying to come here while your stupid people shot him now he is between life and death doctors say it was so close to his heart
Henry: I swear I had no idea
Tiffany: of course you didn't
Henry: I really didn't I'm sorry for what they did
Tiffany: sorry? You are sorry? Again? Can you do anything except saying sorry? Henry your sorry is not bringing him back
Henry: if something would happen to him I'll bring Juliette here and we can take a great care of her
Tiffany: that's how much a person's life worth to you?
Henry: please stop crying

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...