Tiffany: you don't let me to decide for myself!
Charlie: right...
Tiffany: so why are you even here?
Charlie: just letting you know...start, choose three outfits make yourself Clare will come to help you and I'll choose which is better
Tiffany: You mean I should choose my outfit?
Charlie: as a test yeah you are going to choose it and I'll see it if I'd like, you will wear it and take it a good point for your own don't forget that it's a sort of formal party but meanwhile you should attract men
Tiffany: there would be many people right?
Charlie: not too many but yeah
Tiffany: what if...something would happen to me?
Charlie: nothing will happen to you if you would listen to me...we have some rules...rule one, you don't go anywhere you are stick to me and in situations like this you have to hold my hand or grab my arm all the time...rule two, you don't talk at all you shouldn't say any word understood? This one is so important
"I shook my head to show him that I understood"
Charlie: rule three, don't try to be the brave one...rule four, I am your boss no one else if people would tell you do something you shouldn't do it unless I would tell you to...rule five, if you would disobey any of these rules I'll do something that you wouldn't be able to talk for a month understood?
Tiffany: yes but...where are we going?
Charlie: I told you it's a party that's enough for you to know I'll tell Clare to come upstairs better to hurry up
"He went out of the room and in less than five minutes Clare came in...I had chosen a tight red and short dress it seemed to be sexy I wore it Clare made my hair as I did my make up I wore red high heels and grabbed a little party purse and went out to where Charlie was he looked at me for some seconds"
Charlie: turn around
"I did as he said"
Charlie: it's...too
"I went back to my room as I was mad at him TOO RED? seriously? I took out a black dress this one's skirt wasn't tight but it was short and it could clearly show my boobs as Charlie said sexy but formal, black high heels...changing eye shadow to black keeping my red lip stick with no purse I went to Charlie and again he told me to turn around and I did"
Charlie: too black, next
"This time I wore a white dress this one wasn't as short as others but It was beautiful and tight...white high heels and a beautiful silver purse which could match so good again The same thing with Charlie that turning around and all"
Charlie: is this your wedding?
Tiffany: what do you mean?
Charlie: I mean it's too white and it looks like brides' outfits ! Why can't you have a mix of all these three outfits? That could look good
"I went back upstairs...a mix...I wore that black dress again I changed my eye shadow to black again wore the red high heels that I had choosen for the first one and the silver bag which was with the white dress I went to Charlie again this time he got up and walked"
Charlie: you pass, this one is good you'll wear it tonight now if you want go and sleep for some hours we probably wouldn't come so soon
Tiffany: understood
"Me and Clare went back to my room I wore my normal clothes again and erased the make up I slept on my cozy bed...Clare woke me up after a while"
Clare: miss you need to get ready
Tiffany: I want to sleep a bit more
Clare: mister said you need to get ready so fast!
"I got up wore that black dress again Clare made my hair in a very beautiful way and my make up was looking good also Charlie was waiting for me in the car"
Charlie: you look good
Tiffany: thank you
Charlie: it's not good
Tiffany: why?
Charlie: people would try to get you I already can hear the things they are going to say
Tiffany: I'm not doing anything wrong
Charlie: if they would try to get you it won't be good for you so I repeat...follow the rules they are important for your own!
Tiffany: what should I do if they would try to get me?
Charlie: if you would follow the rules for real it means you would be stick with me so they won't be dare to even look at you
Tiffany: aren't they just selfish people like you?
Charlie: yes they are but...we don't share none of us so you don't need to worry

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...