Tiffany: can you chill?
Charlie: when it comes to him, NO!
Tiffany: but you know that I only love YOU
Charlie: I do! But still I don't want to know that stupid asshole still can breathe
Tiffany: and I don't want to know that you have killed somebody...let's stop talking about Henry, not important...want to know more about your desire mister
Charlie: get ready in an hour
"And he just left the room! I was shocked! Like...did I say anything wrong?...I just went to my room and got dressed, brushed my hair and Clare came in my room"
Clare: miss! Mister is waiting for you in the car
Tiffany: hey! Clare! What do you really know about Emma?
Clare: miss don't take her so serious please she doesn't mean the things she says she even said that she thinks you hate her
Tiffany: she doesn't even let me to trust her Charlie told her something so simple and she exactly did what he told her not to do!
Clare: well she kind of has these stupidity
Tiffany: does she like Charlie? Like...not in a way she should
Clare: she doesn't really talk miss
Tiffany: I don't feel good about her Clare...can you keep an eye on her please? I'd be thankful
Clare: anything for you miss!
Tiffany: thank you so much Clare!
"I went and sat in the car I looked at Charlie but he didn't look at me"
Tiffany: Charlie?
Charlie: yes?
"He said without looking at me"
Tiffany: is everything ok?
Charlie: yes
Tiffany: then why are you...
" he finally looked at me"
Charlie: I don't feel good about it, taking you to Henry
"I hugged him"
Tiffany: you don't need to worry he can't hurt me you are right there and it makes me relax to know I would have you there to protect me
"He kissed my forehead"
Charlie: I should blindfold you...
Tiffany: I know! Do it
"He blindfolded me"
Charlie: are you comfortable?
Tiffany: yes
"When the car stopped he slowly opened the blindfold and kissed my lips"
Charlie: let's go
"He said as he smiled at me, we went out of the car we were in a parking he opened the door and there were stairs"
Charlie: downstairs, he goes first
" he mentioned his driver"
Charlie: then you
"I stepped on the first stair and he came behind me I saw Henry was tied to a chair his face full of blood"
Henry: you couldn't live without me right? I know you missed me so much
Charlie: she has some questions and that's it
Henry: well I don't think so! You can never give her the love and pleasure that I give her
Tiffany: shut up Henry! There is nothing like this! I only love Charlie, he is the only one who can make me feel good and I'm here because I read the letter Harry had wrote for me and you hid it why did you want me?
Henry: easy! You are beautiful even though you look like his old love but still
"He mentioned Charlie"
Tiffany: Charlie has said I don't look like Jessica and I know I don't because I believe him
Henry: Harry died for you Tiffany how can you live with this fact
Tiffany: Harry should have talked to me about this!
Henry: still he died because he wanted to keep you safe and still I couldn't let you go! So you came where I was I was nice with you and you choosed me but this stupid motherfucker stole you from me
Tiffany: he didn't steal me I fell in love with him and I choosed him by myself tell me what was Harry's deal with you!
"He laughed"
Henry: you are a smart girl I wonder how you don't know this one! Come to see me again and this time find out how Harry is related to me! Then you'll understand what's his deal and I'll tell you why I did this
Tiffany: accepted
"I kissed Charlie's lips just to show Henry that I love Charlie and to show Charlie that I only love him"
Tiffany: shall we leave?

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...