Henry: that way you mean naked don't you? Well let me remind you while we were in the old house with Charlie you were giving all of yourself to me when mister Charlie got jealous and sent somebody to take you to him because he didn't want you to spend time with anybody but him isn't it selfish?
Tiffany: how dare you say someone is selfish? At least when he took me I wasn't committed to anyone I had no children I wasn't pregnant! He wasn't selfish no, You are!
Henry: you know everything I do is only for you
Tiffany: let me go then! Let me be happy
Henry: I think we really need to stop talking about this
"he went out and William came in"
Tiffany: you heard us didn't you?
William: you were in love with him?
Tiffany: not love love just those feelings that suddenly comes and goes
William: what stopped you from loving him? Charlie?
Tiffany: no, Henry got drunk and tried to rape me that's when me and Charlie started falling for each other, slowly
William: but you loved Henry
Tiffany: we all make mistakes
William: did you...have sex with him?
Tiffany: no we just made out twice nothing more
William: wow
Tiffany: and Charlie sent somebody to tell me I should go to him right away and when I did he told me Henry is not a good guy, He is the one who ordered that they should kill my boyfriend so I need to stop the things between me and him or it won't end well...
William: and you didn't stop did you?
Tiffany: no...
William: so he got drunk and tried to rape you
Tiffany: yes and then Charlie become the Hero
William: and you fell in love with him
Tiffany: exactly...how did you fell in love with your girlfriend?
William: well she was in love with somebody, he was in love with another though she says they were together before the other girl appears but well...when I met her she was a mess, so broken she says I helped her to be fixed and so she is with me now
Tiffany: wow that's a cute story but why are you here? I mean you could have a perfect life with her but like this you spend all your time here you can go one hour a day only? But like that you could have a normal job and a good life with her you could get married to her and find your happiness
William: that's the problem we were really happy together I even got her a ring but then I started feeling like she doesn't want to be with me she was really good at first but then she started getting away from me and so did I, I don't love her like before I was crazy about her but I found out maybe she doesn't want it as I do so...
Tiffany: maybe it's just a misunderstanding?
William: I wish it was but no I tested her and made sure
Tiffany: oh I'm sorry...
William: don't be! Charlie is very lucky you really love him and don't want to give up on him that's really lovely
Tiffany: I'm lucky too he loves me back and I feel it also I'm sure you'll find the real love maybe she just isn't the one you know? For me it wasn't like this either but you'll find it I'm sure
William: how can you be sure? That I'll find my one
Tiffany: well some of us deserve love some don't and you are definitely one of the people who deserve it believe me

Illegal (completed)
RomanceHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...