"As I woke up the next day I saw Henry came inside with breakfast"
Henry: good morning
Tiffany: good...morning
"He was acting normal well...that's good!...I started eating the breakfast"
Henry: I should apologize
Tiffany: yeah you should
Herny: Tiffany I was just...
Tiffany: whatever! think about how the fuck you acted!
Henry: I'm sorry...
Tiffany: why you reacted that way?
Henry: Tiffany...Charlie is not good he is just trying to...
Tiffany: it's not about Charlie Henry! That's my job! I'm the new bitch that's what I should do!
Henry: and it's dangerous!
Tiffany: dangerous?Charlie is teaching me! So no it's not dangerous
Henry: Charlie can be dangerous for you
Tiffany: Henry I can take care of myself please stop being worried and accept that I don't need you to protect me I can do it myself!
"I ate breakfast he left and came back for lunch though it was 4 P.M."
Henry: I'm trying to make him have mercy
Tiffany: and I guess you are making it worse
Henry: Violet is mad at me...
Tiffany: I wonder why
"It was obvious!"
Henry: I can't even care
Tiffany: but you do
Henry: I just wonder why she would ever...
"we heard a knock on the door that made him stop talking"
Tiffany: come in
"We saw Clare opened the door"
Tiffany: oh hey Clare!
"I went and hugged her I trusted her so easily something that...I can't do about Henry or Charlie!"
Clare: oh! Hey miss...
"She was shocked by my sudden hug"
Clare: hey mister Henry
Henry: hi
Clare: miss, mister sent me here
Tiffany: yes I know...that's why Henry was just leaving
Henry: oh yeah right
"Henry left the room immediatly and Clare opened my closet she took out some sport clothes"
Tiffany: I should wear these?
Clare: yes miss, mister said you are going to do excersises so you need sport outfit
Tiffany: yeah right
"I put the clothes on and I was about to brush my hair that Clare took the hairbrush from me"
Clare: miss...this is my job
"I smiled at her and she started brushing my hair"
Tiffany: why don't you call me Tiffany?
Clare: miss...your level is higher than mine you have the highest level after mister!
Tiffany: oh...how is it?
Clare: well...mister Charlie, mister Henry and miss Violet have the highest level and the second place is for the ones that they teach them and since mister Charlie is the one who is teaching you...you have the second place
Tiffany: I thought Charlie has the highest place between them
Clare: miss it's a bit complicated I know as much as you do or even less...there is nobody who really talks about that...here we go! your ponytail is done
"I looked at myself in the mirror she did the ponytail in the greatest way possible"
Tiffany: wow...
Clare: you like it miss?
Tiffany: I LOVE IT! And I told you, you can call me Tiffany!
Clare: thank you! We should go now mis...Tiffany
"I smiled"
Tiffany: better! Let's go
"We went to a room downstairs at least this time there was real light...omg that's literally a gym in a room!"
Charlie: come here
Tiffany: that's a bit rude but it could be better if you would start like 'hey,how are you?'
Charlie: look! If I gave you a little opption to choose that doesn't mean we are friends
"The nice Charlie I saw yesterday was clearly gone!"
Tiffany: I never said we are and we will never be!
Charlie: shut your little mouth and come
"I went to him"
Charlie: punch me
Tiffany: oh please! Not this again
Charlie: obey me and I promise you'll go to your room on your own feet
"I punched him"
Charlie: babygirl you got this!
"He was totally shocked that I acted so fast but just by his punch to my stomach I fell down"
Charlie: get up get up!
Tiffany: on my own feet you said...
"I got up and tried to punch him but he grabbed my arm"
Tiffany: ouch!
Charlie: that's what you should learn babygirl to grab somebody's hand while they want to hit you
"He turned my arm to my back it was hurting!"
Charlie: and turn it around like this
"He let me go"
Charlie: let's try
"I grab his hand and turned it too his back"
Charlie: as your first time it's great but look
"He pulled his hand and he was free"
Charlie: we should fix this too!
"We worked for like two or three hours and finally I did what he wanted!"
Charlie: well done babygirl! Enough for today...
Tiffany: where should I go? The dog's house?
Charlie: you want to go there?
Tiffany: NO!
Charlie: then go to your room!
"I went to my room and again Henry was there"
Henry: hey
Tiffany: hi
"I laid on bed I'm so tired but at least I don't have much pain like the last time which is very good!"
Henry: did he hurt you?
Tiffany: no Henry! He didn't!
Henry: good...so I guess you need to sleep
Tiffany: oh yes I do!
Henry: should I leave or stay?
Tiffany: better to leave
Henry: oh yes I have things to do with Violet
Tiffany: I don't want to know what things
Henry: no not what you think! we need to work and then maybe...but I don't think so
"He left and I fall alseep immediately since I was too tired"

Illegal (completed)
RomantikHi! It's Tiffany Green I'm 21! I was having my(fucked up) life but good moments with my boyfriend Harry I loved him so much but recently our relationship started being cold but i still can't let him go i have never been around people who have some...