one little peck

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3rd pov

Sasuke decided to wake up extra early to make breakfast for everyone since he didn't have any work. Not long after, Karin walked in and decided to help the raven.

"So Mr.Uzumaki!" Karin teased. Sasuke looked at her annoyed.

"Tch who's an Uzumaki? If anything Naruto is the one thats gonna take the Uchiha name." Sasuke smirked.

"Hm no not really...I think Sasuke Uzumaki has a nice ring to it!" Karin stated.

"Tch yeah a ring but Naruto Uchiha makes way more sense then Sasuke Uzumaki." Sasuke darted back. Karin rolled her eyes and flipped the pancakes.

" and Sakura. How long have you two been divorced?" The red head pushed her glasses up.

"...two days..."



"WAIT WHAAAAT!?" Karin yelled. Sasuke held her mouth shut and told her to quiet down. She slowly nodded as he let go.

"Sasuke!'re such a whore!" Karin snapped.

"Tch no I'm not! I'm not having sex am I?" Sasuke suggested.

"Well no not technically...But still you can't get over Sakura that easily!" Karin stated.

"Im not easily over her!...Yes I admit it I miss Sakura...But that doesnt mean I truly loved her....I thought I did at one point but you know." Sasuke explained.

"Hm...well...what are you waiting for?...why won't you and Naruto start dating again?" Karin asked.

"...He and I decided to take small steps." Sasuke sighed.

"Okay small?" Karin smiled. Sasuke flicked his finger at her forehead causing her to smack him.

Soon after everyone started waking up. As everyone ate at the breakfast table Menma couldnt help but notice Satoshi eyeing down Mitsuki.

"Oi what should we do today?" Menma asked his brother and friend.

"How about you boys go with Suigetsu and Karin for ice cream?" Sasuke suggested. The two boys nodded and so did Menma even though he didn't like sweets at all. Karin winked at Sasuke and gave him a thumbs up.

"Hn? Why are you doing that?" Sasuke asked.

" know!" Karin winked again.

Suigetsu and Naruto were confused to what was happening. Karin then got up and pulled Suigetsu up as well.

"Well well then Mr.Uchiha! Let's go and get ice cream my lovely husband!" Karin said while secretly flipping Sasuke off. Sasuke then realized what she meant from the winks and smirked at Naruto. Suigetsu caught on and laughed.

"Cmon children let go get ready for the day!" Suigetsu said excited. The children were also confused from the tension in the room but still got ready anyway.

As Satoshi got ready for the day while Menma and Mitsuki were brushing their teeth already.

Satoshi's pov

I dont understand!? How can everyone wanna protect him so badly! Who cares if he's cute! Wait until he grows up! I'll be the most handsome and he'll look like a wrinkly snake! hahahahhaaa

I was so dazed that I did realize Mitsuki was behind me.

"Are you ready?" The pale boy asked.

I immediately turned around and shrieked.

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