Baby shower is chaos!

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3rd pov

Its been around 4 months for Naruto which meant it was time for the baby shower planning.

"So are you guys still thinking about baby names?" Ino asked with a notebook and pen. Naruto blushed and Sasuke shaked his head.

"We don't even know the gender of this baby, but we were thinking of potential names." Sasuke said in question while Naruto nodded.

Ino smiled and looked at Naruto's big belly.

"When is your baby due?"  Ino asked.

"Well...that's the dangerous part of male pregnancy. You see males with this ability will give birth very early, possibly in five months. Or they can be pregnant for almost a year even...its complicated." Naruto explained, Ino wrote that down as well.

"Uhm aren't you supposed to help us with the baby shower?" Sasuke asked, Ino blushed and ripped the page out.

"So sorry! Hehe my bad its just...I am amazed at this!" Ino said.

"Anyways who's all coming?" Sasuke said.

"Well we've extended our visit in America for over 4 months. I'm glad that your boss even let you stay up here!" Naruto said, Sasuke smiled and held the blonde close.

"Same, he's rather grumpy...anyways we should invite your family Naruto. My parents won't be able to fly down but we can call them on that date. With the others its basically family so I'm good." Sasuke said, Naruto smiled and nodded to Ino.

Ino walked off to the phone and started contacting everyone. Naruto then realized one thing.



"Who did we all tell?"

" parents, yamanaka family, akimichi family, nara family...ohhhh." Sasuke realized as well. The blonde nervously started to munch down on his crackers and tomato. Sasuke and the blonde forgot to tell one more family...the Inuzuka family.

Not soon after Ino walked in with a puzzled look.



"Did you tell Kiba that you were even pregnant?..."


"Well...I am pretty sure he fainted on the phone." Ino said, Naruto just kept eating his food while Sasuke ignored both of them and decided to change the subject.

"Anyways those names..." the raven scratched his head.

"Oh yes what have you guys planned?" Ino said.

"Well....If we have a girl, there is three possible names and that is Yua, Himari, or Konami." Naruto blushed.

"What about boys?" Ino added.

"If they are a boy the two possible names are Kaito, or Kosuke." Sasuke said while holding naruto closer. Ino blushed at the names they had picked.

"Awww you guys are so cute!" The long haired women squealed. Not long after, Karin walked in with decorations for the baby shower. Everyone started helping out with decorating the house. The blonde suddenly came across a mirror.

Naruto's hormones kicked in as he started crying while he look at himself in the mirror.

"I HATE YOU GUYS!!!" The blonde screamed, Sasuke rushed over to Naruto who instantly pushed him away.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Sasuke asked, Naruto scrunched his face to make it look more pouty.

"YOU GUYS DIDNT TELL ME I WAS THIS FAT!!!" Naruto cried, Karin immediately ran over to Naruto and calm him down.


"'re pregnant..." Karin told him.

The blonde wiped his tears and instantly changed his mood.

"OH YEAH!" The blonde walked away all happy to the fridge to get some ice cream. Everyone looked at the raven for answers.

"Sasuke? his memory okay?" Sai asked, the raven sighed and nodded.

"Hes fine...its just he gets very emotional and starts acting dramatic." The raven smirked at the blonde who was stuffing his face.

Everyone did the finishing touches before everyone started arriving.

Time skip

"Oh my Naruto! Seems like you'll be due very soon!" Temari said as she felt Naruto's stomach. Shikamaru was still a bit confused to what happened after he left Japan, Shikadai was with the other kids. Not soon after everyone else arrived, except for the Inuzuka family.

About 20 minutes later, the door swung open to reveal the last family.

"Kiba!-" Shikamaru was cut off by Kiba walking over to Naruto.

"NARUUUUTTTTOOOO!!!! I BETTER BE THE GOD FATHER!" Kiba said as he cried on Naruto's stomach. Hinata giggled as she picked up her husband.


All the kids were in the back playing, having a great time. Mitsuki got along with them very fast so it wasn't really a problem. They were all pretending to be astronauts in a spaceship, while Menma sat out.

Menma's pov

I once again didn't like to play outside with the others. I rather we all play inside but sadly Satoshi threw a fit...

I picked at the grass until I felt someone beside me.

"Hehe long time no see!"

It was that Kuma kid again.

"Hey I didn't know you were coming." I smiled, suddenly realized something.

"Whos that behind you?" I asked as I saw a girl with very long hair.

"Oh! This is my little sister! Her name is Hina!" Kuma said as he cleared the way.

She looked just like Mrs.Inuzuka except for her teeth. She had fang looking teeth and a soft light purple triangular markings on her cheeks. She was blushing very badly for no reason though, first opinion...she's weird.

"H-hi..." was all she said.

"Hello nice to meet you, I'm Uchiha Menma." I greeted, she didn't say anything back except for looking down.

"Dont worry she'll open up! Hey let's go play in the house!" Kuma said wrapping his arm around me. I smiled at him as the three of us walked in.

3rd pov

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, Sasuke looked around and saw that everyone was here. He walked over to the door, opening it he found sarada at the door.

"Hello dad! We came down to America so Mommy can meet her date! One of her friends texted her that you were here!" Sarada smiled, the raven was puzzled at first but then saw Sakura's vehicle driving away.

"Really...Sorry honey I forgot your visit is this week. Why don't you cmon in." Sasuke walked in with his daughter. She settled her things down as she took a glimpse around to find strange people.

"MENMA!" Sasuke yelled, Menma ran down the stairs.


"Look who's here." Sasuke smiled, Menma beamed once he saw his sister.

"SARADA!" Menma hugged Sarada, she hugged back as he brought her to the back to meet everyone.

" hug for me..." Sasuke thought.

Suddenly the raven felt two arms wrap around him and squeezed.

"Looked like you needed a hug." Naruto blushed, Sasuke smirked and held Naruto's hands.

"Wait for tonight..."


"Hn my dobe..."


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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