Getting acceptance is troublesome

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3rd pov

"I missed you guys so much!" Naruto said while hugging Ino and Sai.

"We missed you too!...but...whys he here?" Ino said while looking outside were Sasuke was.

"Ummm did you guys really have to lock him outside in the front?" Naruto said while looking at Sasuke who was sitting on the porch. Sai nodded and so did Ino.

"Naruto you shouldn't let him in your life that easy...remember what he did?" Ino said with a worried tone. Naruto just looked at Sasuke and sighed.

"Yes....I know but...a second chance is always given to someone who will actually try..." Naruto said while blushing.

"Well I'll accept for what you want....but what are you gonna do for Kiba and Shikamaru?" Ino said.

Naruto looked over at his two friend who were with their wives and guarding the door. Naruto shrugged and walked outside to check up on the raven.




Sato was standing on top of a rock while holding Shikadai. Cho cho and inojin were both watching Shikadai be "executed" by Sato. Menma was standing behind them but wasn't really interacting with the others. Suddenly he felt someone sat next to him.

Menma's pov

"Hey..." I greeted.

" name is Kuma Inuzuka!"

"Oh...I'm Menma Uchiha."

This guy is kinda strange...
He has brown hair...lavender eyes...and markings on his cheeks. He's kinda feminine looking.

"You're Satoshi's twin?"

And he has a quiet small voice.

"Hn I'm his brother..."

"That must be nice...h-hey do you wanna go play with my puppy? He's by my dads dog akamaru, don't worry they don't bite at all."

Huh...I'm not really a dog person...I guess I could try it out.

3rd pov

"Heh yeah I remember that!" Naruto laughed. Sasuke smiled softly, knowing that Naruto was enjoying his presence.

"So I'm guessing that I'm not allowed inside for cake then." Sasuke said while looking at his bottle of water.

"Well you don't like cake or sweets so it doesn't matter." Naruto said.

"Dobe I could care less for the cake....I just...kinda wanna see my sons have their very first birthday together..."

Naruto blushed and Sasuke soft expression and the way he spoke.

"I see...well....why don't you come in."  Naruto said while standing up. Sasuke smiled and got up too. They both reached for the door and opened it to find everyone looking at them.

"Oh cmon you guys! Sasuke is truly sorry!" Naruto said while laughing nervously. Ino and Hinata didn't mind, Choji and Gaara didn't really care, Rock Lee wasn't even listening....but Kiba and Shikamaru were. The rest just sat in the back while trying not to make the issue more tough.

"Kiba, Shikamaru"

"So Sasuke." Kiba said while walking up to him.

"Are you here to party...or get some?" Kiba snapped.

"I know you dont like me...but all I want right now is to be with my family." Sasuke said with a formal attitude.

"Tch what a drag...weren't you the one who fucked everything up?" Shikamaru added. Sasuke clicked his tongue and clenched his fists.

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