Baby's due date...

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3rd pov

A week later

The boys have been doing online school since they both left Japan quite early in the year. Sarada was in America for one reason only. Sakura was going to meet Sarada's real father and see a date she also had.

"Are you nervous?" Sasuke asked, the young girl was tearing up a bit but was smiling too.

"Of course I'm nervous...will I be able to visit you still?" Sarada asked, Sasuke was shocked at the young girls question. He grabbed both of her hands and squeezed them.

"Even though I'm not your real father, it doesn't mean that you can't see me. Because to matter what Sarada..." Sasuke then poked her head with his index and middle finger.

"'ll always be my little girl." The raven smiled, Sarada couldn't hold it in as she broke down. She hugged Sasuke tightly as she heard her mother's car horn.

Naruto greeted Sakura in as she bowed to him.

"Heh Naruto I see you've gotten fat." Sakura teased, the blonde held his stomach and blushed.

"Yeah I think I had too much ramen." Naruto smiled.

"Well ready to go?" The pinkett asked, Sarada wiped her tears as she nodded. They both went to the car and waved them goodbye. Sasuke smiled softly waving goodbye to the vanished car. Naruto frowned, looking at the ground he didn't notice Sasuke watching him.

"What are you frowning for my love?" Sasuke said so casual. The blonde rubbed his stomach as he looked up to the raven.

"Are we rushing things too fast?" Naruto asked. Sasuke frowned then had his porcelain face on.

"Not at all...sure this is a bit fast is short and I want to spend as much time with my family as long as I can." Sasuke said, Naruto smiled as he hugged his lover.

Time skip

Sasuke was slicing tomatoes and getting some icecream for Naruto until he heard a sudden bang against the floor. He then heard the twins scream making him run upstairs as fast as he could.

"Whats going on!" Sasuke yelled, he saw Suigetsu picking up Naruto in panick.

"HE'S GOING INTO LABOUR!" Suigetsu yelled back, Sasuke quickly grabbed his keys and bolted to the door with Suigetsu and Naruto.

Orochimaru called the hospital for the doctor they've been seeing. Karin calmed the kids down as they both cried for their parents to come back.

Sasuke tried to drive as smooth and fast as possible. Suigetsu tried to get Naruto to calm down a bit by breathing. Naruto squeezed the white haired mans hands as he yelled in pain.

"PLEASE HURRY!" Naruto cried, Sasuke stepped on it as they made it to the hospital very fast.

Since Doctor Tsunade was in Japan they had to call in the guy who birthed Mitsuki.

The nurses took Naruto as people were staring at him. Sasuke tried to run in but was stopped by a man in scrubs.

"Hello sir I'm Dr.Kabuto I need you to please stay in here." The man with glasses said, Sasuke wanted to punch the guy but knew he couldn't. He waited in a room with Suigetsu pacing around. The raven could hear Naruto screaming in the other room, he wanted to go in but he was being watching by the security.

"This is bullshit! Why can't I go in?" Sasuke yelled.

"This isn't a regular baby delivery...Naruto isnt pushing them out. The doctor is going to deliver the baby by a C-section." Suigetsu said remembering what they had to do with Mitsuki.

Suddenly it went dead silent, Naruto was calm for a while but it was now very quiet.

"Whats happening." Sasuke thought.




Cries of a newborn baby was heard a bit after the silence. Sasuke's heart skipped a few beats but was then calm again. He smiled as he walked towards the doors of the room. Just before he could get closer a nurse stopped him.

"Are you the Father?" The nurse asked, Sasuke nodded his head.

"Can we have a chat..." the nurse said as she brought him to the corner of a wall.

Sasuke was anoyyed that she wouldn't let him in.

"What?" Sasuke said.

"...Your baby came out healthy...Mr.Uzumaki is very exhausted at first but...The Doctor said...He might not make it "

Those words rang into Sasuke's head as he felt like he wasn't breathing. Sasuke instantly tried to get to his new child and lover but was pulled back by the security.

"Please wait sir, we're trying everything!" The nurse yelled.

Sasuke tried to push everyone out of the way but was sadly put into a chair and was watched closer.

Suigetsu talked with the nurse and then headed back to his chair.

"The nurse said they're doing everything they could. He's stable but they don't know if he'll wake up. The baby came a bit too early." Suigetsu explained, Sasuke stayed silent as he thought of Naruto.

Not long after everyone made it to the hospital. Satoshi and Menma were excited to meet their new sibling.

The twins then looked at their father who was almost crying. The two younger boys ran up to the father and hugged him.

Everyone waited for the good, or bad news from the doctor. Ino and Hinata were both holding each other, crying for Naruto. Kiba and Shikamaru both held in their tears. Everyone was hoping that he was okay.

Finally the doctor walked in...

"So!?" Suigetsu said.

"...Can the Father come with me." Kabuto demanded, Sasuke immediately got up and walked into the room.

Menma stayed seated while Satoshi tried to follow his father. Sadly Shikamaru picked him up too fast.

"Wait Sato let's wait for your dad to come back." Shikamaru said.

10 minutes later

Sasuke walked out getting everyone's attention.

"He's stable...Naruto and I want the God Parents...Kiba....Hinata." Sasuke smiled, Kiba and Hinata looked shocked but immediately smiled as they rushed over with Sasuke.

"Menma, Satoshi...." Sasuke said, the twins looked up.

"....come meet your baby brother...."


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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