Young Uchihas how I love you

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3rd pov

Morning light hit the bed Naruto and Sasuke were sleeping on. They stayed the night at Iruka's since Naruto insisted on staying over to catch up with Iruka.

Kosuke was already up as he was moving around. Sasuke heard the baby so he decided to get up and make is formula.

"Eeeehh waa-" kosuke was about to cry, but before he could, sasuke picked him up and bounced him softly calming him down.

"*sigh* you are way more silent then Menma when he was a baby..." sasuke said to Kosuke who was drinking the formula.

Not long after Iruka came down the stairs from his room.

"Hmph I see your up Uchiha." Iruka said as he grabbed the coffee beans.

"Of little one was about to cry and I want Naruto to rest." Sasuke said, Iruka sighed as he started to prepare some coffee.

Suddenly Iruka had and idea strike in his head.

"Ahem!...Sasuke?" Iruka smiled evilly.


"If your really would do anything to prove it...right?" Iruka turned over to sasuke. The raven gulped but nodded to the creepy man.


Time skip

Naruto got up only to hear the kids laughing. The blond walked over to the backdoor, only to find sasuke pulling a wagon with iruka and the twins in it. Kosuke was in his little safety chair taking a nap. Naruto was stumped at the big pirate flag in Satoshi's hand, while their was a wooden broom in Menmas hands.

"HI MOMMY!" Satoshi yelled with joy.

"WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING!?" Naruto freaked out as he walked outside.

"WE'RE PLAYING PIRATES! GRANDPA MADE THIS WAGON SHIP AND DADDY IS PULLING ALL OF US!" Satoshi laughed, the blond looked over to sasuke who was dying from all the pulling he was doing.

"DAD!?" Naruto snapped, iruka ignored Naruto only to pike sasuke with a mop.

"CMON OUR SHIP IS SLOW!" Iruka smiled.

Sasuke pulled faster only to find himself drained in sweat.

Naruto didnt really wanna be apart of it so he walked inside go make breakfast.

Soon after everyone came inside and sat down.

"Now wasnt that fun my boys!" Iruka smiled at his grandkids.

"Yeah!" The twins said.

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he put his head on the table.

"Ohhh Sasuke!" Iruka called, the raven looked up only to find Iruka's cup.

"Be a dear and go get me some more coffee!" Iruka said, without arguing, sasuke grabbed the cup and got up to do what he asked for.

Naruto giggled as he made his way over to his lover.

"Thank you for putting up with my father my love." Naruto said before kissing sasuke on the lips. Sasuke sighed and smirked at his blond.

"Only for you Naru." Sasuke said before making his way to the table.

"Eeema-ma-mmmm." Kosuke mumbled making everyone turn to him.

"Is he!?"

"Yeah I think!"

Everyone looked at him waiting for the baby to do it again.

"Whats happening to Ko?" Satoshi asked.

"Hes trying to say his first word!" Naruto smiled while grabbing his phone.

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