T H E F U T U R E. . .

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9  years later...
October 21st

3rd pov

"SATOSHI UCHIHA GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN THIS!?" Naruto yelled from the doorway. The younger blond was running away from his mother in pure fear.

"NO WAY!?" Satoshi yelled back as he almost made it to the gate. Suddenly he bumped into someone, making him fall on his butt.

"OUCH! OI-.....uh oh..." Satoshi looked up to see his boyfriend Mitsuki and Menma staring at him with scary eyes.

"Babe! Bro!....I-" Satoshi was then picked up by the two and was dragged back to the house.

"Wait guys lets talk about this!?" Satoshi was then grabbed by his mother and seated down.

"ANOTHER FIGHT HUH!? ILL TEACH YOU A LESSON MYSELF!" Naruto snapped as he cleaned Satoshi's cheek and put a bandage on his left cheek.

"Im sorry ma I promise that I won't do it again." Satoshi said.

"Yeah thats what you said last week." Naruto slapped the bandage on.

"Haha Sato got in trouble!" Kosuke teased.

"Shut up Ko!" Satoshi snapped.

The ponytailed raven stuck his tounge out as he used his index finger to make his eye stretch.

Menma rolled his eyes as he looked on his phone.

"Oi Satoshi hurry up wouldja? Kuma said he's already at the library with the others." Menma said, Satoshi then kissed his mother on the cheek as he ran out with Mitsuki and Menma.

Naruto's pov

Tch sometimes Sato just needs a good slap from time to time. I then turn around to my little 9 year old boy who smiled.

"And you!" I yelled.

The little raven got scared as I smiled.

"Heh...go get ready now. Your father will be home soon so let's go and get some dinner." I said as I grabbed my keys, Kosuke sighed and smiled at me...sadly his markings on his cheeks faded away...he looked like sasuke with really long hair now.

Time skip

3rd pov

"So how do you guys like Japan?" Menma asked as he was writing his notes for school. Kuma scratched his brown shaggy hair as he struggled from a question.

"Its good...Menma whats this formula again?" Kuma asked, Menma sighed and showed him.

"I like it a lot!...Sadly we only get to see Cho cho and Sarada when they visit Japan." Inojin said, shikadai nodded as he layed his head down.

"Speaking of the devil...she's calling me." Menma said as he picked up.


Sarada: Hey lil bro! How's it going?"

Menma: hey! Its going great...how's your little boyfriend doing?

Sarada: wow teasing me! Just because your turning 16 doesn't mean you could tease me!

Menma: yeah yeah...well tell Sakura, Cho cho, and Kawaki I said hello. I got to go, I have exams.

Sarada: okay ill talk to you soon!

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