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5 years later

Naruto's pov

I was just picking up my son from school when that sudden memory just came back....miracle child.

Ever since that day...

I couldnt help but imagine how close I was to losing both children.

That day when I heard Satoshi cry I swore to myself that I would protect him with my life.

His asshole of a father doesn't know that Sato survived, it was too late to tell them. So I decided to keep him and raise him myself.

I got out of the car to wave out to my son. He just left the building and as soon as he saw me he made a huge smile and ran for me.

"MAMA!" Sato yelled and hugged me.

"Why hello my young one! Let's go home and start dinner." I said while I brushed through his blonde hair. He looks very much like me but...he has black eyes like his father and no whiskers like mine. I keep telling him that it wasn't important but day by day he asks....who is his father.

I never really went back to Canada after Sato was born, instead I stayed in Tokyo, Japan...I just moved to a different area where I wouldn't bump into Sasuke...

Other side of Tokyo...
3rd pov



Two young children were fighting over the little boys teddy bear. He had raven hair and ocean blue eyes. He also had three whiskers. The other child was a girl she had black hair and black eyes.

"Menma! Sarada!" Sakura yeld to get their attention.

"Menma let her have the bear."

"NO ITS MINE!" Menma screamed. Sakura just took the bear and placed it on top of the fridge. The two kids looked angry at their 'mother'.

The door opened up to find Sasuke coming in from work. Sakura beamed and ran up to her husband and hugged him. Sasuke stiffend up when she did then was at ease when he saw Menma. Sarada was Sasuke's adopted child, they took her in when her mother passed. She was full blooded Uchiha and Sasuke didn't think twice when adopting her.

Sakura loved her daughter so much....but with Menma....that wasn't the case. She loved first, now she doesn't really have a special place for Menma in her heart. Knowing its really Naruto's child she fell out of love with the boy. She cares and treats him...but just couldn't bring herself to love him.

Sasuke was different on the other hand...he was obsessed with his son. Bought him anything he wanted, cared for him, and sometimes brought him in to work for no reason.

"Papa!!! How was your day?" Menma asked while being picked up by the raven man.

"Stressful my boy. I had to fire our assistant." Sasuke said while yawning.

"Oh really? Well you're home now so why don't you have some dinner." Sakura said while placing Sasuke's plate right next to hers.

They all say down but Sasuke made arrangements so that he could sit with Menma. Sakura and Sasuke never really had alone time anymore. It's because of the children or Sasuke just not wanting to anymore.

Sakura usually hides it and continues to play her role.

"So Menma and Sarada, how are you feeling about school?" Sakura beamed.

"Do we have to go?" Sarada asked.

"Well of course you do, it's the first day tomorrow. Plus this school is a new place where you can find who you are!" Sakura explained while Sasuke nodded.

"Your new school is quite aways so we decided to move." Sasuke said with his boring tone.

The kids looked at him shocked.


"You're only trying out this school for a week." Sasuke said while eating his dinner.

"But why?" Sarada asked.

"Because my work might be moving over there to a bigger building. I'll be running two places but I'm giving the one I'm working at to my co-worker." Sasuke said.

Everyone then went silent and started to eat.

The next day...

"Mommy is my school fun?" Satoshi said while holding Naruto's hand.

"It will be a blast hon" Naruto said while kneeling to his son.

"Now be good okay, don't make trouble and make a lot of friends okay?" Naruto said before kissing Satoshi on the forehead.

"Okay! I won't mommy! Will you be here to pick me up?" Satoshi asked.

"Believe it! Now go on I'll see ya later okay."

With that Sato left for school.

Sato's pov

"Hello my name is Uzumaki Satoshi! Sato for short. Uhhh my favorite food is tomato and rice balls aaaaannnnddddd my favorite animal is a dog!"

I said giving my information to the class like sensei told me to.

She nodded and the class clapped for me. Im not really shy I'm actually very open.

Suddenly a boy with dark hair and blue eyes...way more blue then my moms he had....scratch marks? On his face. And he did not look so happy. He was like the opposite of me.

"Why don't we get to know you now!" The sensei said.

" name is Uchiha Menma...thats it. My favorite food...ramen I guess. And my favorite animal is a cat."


I looked over to see all the girls swooning over him and the boys were clapping. I dont understand!? Whats with this guy!?


I walked up to that Menma guy that was playing in the sand box.


I said as I sat down beside him in the sand.


Hn?....what does that mean?

Now that I'm up close to him....he looks a bit like me.

And those aren't scratches....they're whisker markings. I looked up to his looks like mommy's and mine.

"Are you a clone?" I asked. Menma looked right at me with a confused look.

"No, I'm Uchiha Menma..."

"Are you sure?"

I got even closer to get a good look at him.

"Oi stop it!"




I look down to see a broken toy shovel....and a fell down sand castle...


Thanks for reading!

Ja ne

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